BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070330T000000Z DTEND:20070330T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Regional Taiko Groups – Seattle\n206-919-1465\n<a>sktaiko1@ma</a>\nContact: Stan Shikuma\n \n\nStanford Taiko Presents a “Drum Enchanted Evening” \n\n\nHear and feel the pounding rhythms of t raditional Japanese drums as Stanford Taiko and Regional Taiko Groups – Seattle perform in concert at a “Drum Enchanted Evening” on Friday\, M arch 30 at 8:00 pm in the Nordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya Hall\, 200 Un iversity Street in Seattle. \n\nTickets are $15 for adults and $10 for st udents/seniors and are available in person through the Benaroya Box Office at 200 University Street\, or through Ticketmaster at 206-292-ARTS or <a href=""></a>. (A service ch arge will be applied to all Ticketmaster sales.) All net proceeds from ‘ ”Drum Enchanted Evening” go to benefit the North American Taiko Confer ence*. \n\nStanford Taiko\, one of the premier collegiate taiko (Japanese drumming) groups in North America\, will be the featured artists. Also per forming will be local taiko groups One World Taiko\, Inochi Taiko\, and me mbers of Seattle Kokon Taiko\, Kaze Daiko\, Matsuri Taiko\, Northwest Taik o\, and Tsunami Taiko. \n\nRTG is a consortium of eight performing taiko ( traditional Japanese drumming) groups in the Puget Sound area. RTG’s mis sion is to perform\, promote\, and preserve taiko drumming for present and future generations. \n\nFor more information\, contact Stan Shikuma at <a ></a>.\n\n*The North American Taiko Conference (NATC) will be held in Seattle on the University of Washington campus from August 9-1 2\, 2007\, attracting over 600 taiko drummers\, vendors and aficionados fr om all over the U.S.\, Canada and Japan for four days of workshops\, recep tions\, discussions\, and performances. Several public taiko performances will also be held during the NATC. The conference is being co-sponsored b y the Regional Taiko Groups (RTG) – Seattle\, the Nikkei Heritage Associ ation of Washington and the Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Los An geles.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240603T030343Z SUMMARY:Drum Enchanted Evening URL:/en/events/2007/03/30/drum-enchanted-evening/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR