BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090815T000000Z DTEND:20090815T000000Z DESCRIPTION:11th Annual Summer Festival on the Courtyard: Kaeru's Carnival\ n Celebrate summer at the National Museum with a day of fun carnival games \, foods\, crafts\, and performances for the entire family.\n\nAll day cra ft activities:\n\n<li>Celebrate the exhibition Kokeshi: From Folk Toy to A rt Toy and construct a kokeshi creation! </li><li>Inspired by the Japanese tradition of using paper lanterns in summer festivals\, make a decorative paper lantern of your own.\n\nSchedule:\n\n<strong>12 :00 &ndash\; 4:00 P M </strong>&ndash\; Get your face painted!\n\n<strong>3:00 PM</strong> &nd ash\; Learn about Taiko and how to hit the giant drums from Kyodo Taiko!\n \n<strong>3:30 PM </strong>&ndash\; Enjoy a Special Kyodo Taiko performanc e!\n\n<strong>4:00 PM </strong>&ndash\; Learn how to do an obon dance!\n\n <strong>4:30 PM </strong>&ndash\; Come listen to the exciting sounds of Pr ogressive Taiko!\n\nThis program is sponsored in part by the generous supp ort of the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs\n\nHelp Support the Museum by buying a lunch! <strong>BBQ on the Courtyard</strong>. Plate lun ch includes: BBQ top sirloin\, baked beans\, green salad\, shrimp cocktail \, and a drink. <strong>$10.00 presale/$12.50</strong> on the day of. All proceeds will go to support the National Museum's programs. If interested\ , please contact Koji at\n\n</li> DTSTAMP:20240603T174811Z SUMMARY:11th Annual Summer Festival on the Courtyard: Kaeru's Carnival URL:/en/events/2009/08/15/11th-annual-summer-festival-on-the-courtyard-kaer / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR