BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091011T000000Z DTEND:20091011T000000Z DESCRIPTION:What's happening this coming Sunday\, October 11?\n <strong>Fuj ima Ryu of Chicago is back with their 33rd Annual </strong>\n<strong>Japan ese Classical Dance Recital </strong> at Northside College Prep High Schoo l. \n &nbsp\;\n Watch how the dancers change from one beautiful kimono int o another in the blink of an eye right on stage.&nbsp\; It's called &quot\ ;Hiki-nuki&quot\; or &quot\;Pull&nbsp\;Away&quot\; and is mesmerizing to s ee the dancers kimono change in color\, from one&nbsp\;to the other!&nbsp\ ; \n &nbsp\;\n You will also be entertained by&nbsp\; the&nbsp\;sound and music of Shamisen the Japanese traditional lute\, and Taiko the Japanese t raditional drum.&nbsp\; \n &nbsp\;\n It starts\n from 1pm on Sunday\, Oc tober 11 \n at Northside college Prep HS( 5501 N. Kedzie Ave. Chicago) \n located just North of Foster on Kedzie. Free Parking! \n &nbsp\;\n It is absolutely worth seeing this onece a year event!&nbsp\; Just think!& nbsp\; Where in the world would you get to see this kind of special perfor mance?&nbsp\; Right Here in Chicago!&nbsp\; At Northside! On this Sunday!& nbsp\; From 1pm! \n &nbsp\;\n Please come and enjoy your sunday afternoon with Fujima! DTSTAMP:20240602T111031Z SUMMARY:Fujima Ryu 33rd Annual Japanese Classical Dance Recital URL:/en/events/2009/10/11/fujima-ryu-33rd-annual-japanese-classical-dance-r e/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR