BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100410T000000Z DTEND:20100410T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The National Museum&rsquo\;s 2010 Gala Dinner theme celebrates the 25th Anniversary of its incorporation and will recognize the collectiv e support and contributions by our dedicated volunteers and community orga nizations who have laid the foundation for the Museum to become what it is today&mdash\;the home for our history and our community.\n\nFrom the begi nning it was the shared dream of many to create an institution\, the Japan ese American National Museum\, so that the important lessons and legacies of the Japanese American experience would not be forgotten. Since the Muse um&rsquo\;s inception\, it has dedicated its work to preserving and sharin g the Japanese American story through innovative programming and exception al educational programs to hundreds of thousands each year locally\, natio nally\, and internationally. Now\, in 2010\, the dream continues as the Mu seum broadens its outreach to new and diverse audiences while incorporatin g additional unique aspects of our story.\n\nThrough the Gala Dinner progr am and Journal\, the National Museum will present a celebration and recogn ition of the many individuals\, communities\, organizations\, and business from across nation who selflessly came together for one common goal&mdash \;to ensure that one of America&rsquo\;s most important chapters in histor y is never forgotten\, nor repeated.\n\nFor more information\, visit: <a h ref="" target="_blank"> nts/2010/dinner</a>\n<strong><em></em> </strong>\n<strong><em>Win a 2010 L exus RX 450h!</em> </strong> Enter the 2010 Lexus Opportunity Drawing. Vis it the website for details. DTSTAMP:20240601T205534Z SUMMARY:JANM 2010 Gala Dinner & Silent Auction -- 25 Years & Beyond: Celebr ating the Spirit of Community URL:/en/events/2010/04/10/janm-2010-gala-dinner-silent-auction-25-years/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR