BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100530T000000Z DTEND:20100530T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Dr. Michiko Midge Ayukawa will shed light on the lives and hist ories of picture brides&mdash\;Issei women who came to America to marry hu sbands they knew only from photographs&mdash\; and how they affected the c ommunity.&nbsp\;\n\nMichiko Midge Ayukawa was born in Vancouver\, B.C. Dur ing World War II\, she was incarcerated for four years at Lemon Creek\, in the Slocan Valley\, Canada. Her family resettled in Hamilton\, Ontario. A fter obtaining her BSc and MSc at McMaster University\, she worked at the National Research Council in Ottawa. Later she taught undergraduate Chemis try laboratory classes at Carleton University and the University of Victor ia.&nbsp\;In the mid-80s\, she began to study history and obtained a Docto rate in 1997 at the University of Victoria.\n\nAyukawa has written a numbe r of articles on Japanese Canadians\, in particular\, Japanese picture bri des. She has co-authored with Audrey Kobayashi &ldquo\;The Japanese Canadi ans&rdquo\; in Akemi Kikumura-Yano\, ed.\, <em>Encyclopedia of Japanese De scendants in the Americas</em>\, Altimira Press\, 2002 and is also co-auth or with Patricia Roy of &ldquo\;The Japanese\,&rdquo\; in Paul Robert Marg osi\, ed.\, <em>The Encyclopedia of Canada&rsquo\;s Peoples</em>\, Univers ity of Toronto Press\, 1999. A book based on her dissertation\, <em>Hirosh ima Immigrants in Canada\, 1891-1941</em> was published in November 2007 b y UBC Press.&nbsp\;\n\nThis program was made possible by the generous supp ort of the UCLA Paul I. &amp\; Hisako Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies &nbsp\;\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.ja">Textured Lives: Japanese Immigrant Clothin g from the Plantations of Hawai`i</a>\n\nReservations recommended to rsvp@ or 213.625.0414 at least 48 hours prior.\n\n<a href="http://www.j" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240601T080628Z SUMMARY:Picture Brides URL:/en/events/2010/05/30/picture-brides/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR