BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100612T000000Z DTEND:20100612T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE ALL DAY!</strong>&nbsp\;\n\nEnjoy a day of family fun where were we celebrate you!\n\n<strong>ALL DAY CRAFT ACTIVITIES:</str ong>\n<li>Families are all unique and special. Create your with a paper po rtrait!</li><li>Have your picture taken and embellish it with a frame deco rated by you</li><li>Hip hip hooray! Make a pennant flag all about you</li ><li>Ruthie&rsquo\;s Origami Corner: Make your own Father&rsquo\;s Day car d!</li><strong>\n\nSCHEDULE:</strong>\n<strong>12 PM </strong>&ndash\; Ter i LaFlesh will share tips for all ages on how to work with naturally curly hair\, making it your 'unique trademark and friend.'\n\n<strong>1 PM</str ong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Storytellers Kim Wayans &amp\; Kevin Knotts will read from their popular children's book series Amy Hodgepodge about a young gir l who is Japanese\, African American\, Korean and White.\n\n<strong>2 PM</ strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Hear educator (and President Obama's sister)\, Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng\, read from her unreleased book <em>Ladder to the Moon</em >. Followed by a book signing of <em>Mixed: Portraits of Multiracial Kids< /em> by author Kip Fulbeck and contributor Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng.\n\n<strong >1 PM to 4 PM&nbsp\;</strong>&ndash\; Join Kidding Around the Kitchen in c elebrating Asian\, Jewish\, and Italian flavors in making some chicken sou p for the fusion soul\n\n<strong>3:30 PM</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Urban dan ce performance and workshop for kids by Culture Shock&reg\;\n\n<em>Generou sly sponsored by Target\, these special Saturdays are filled with fun acti vities giving families unique ways to learn\, play\, and grow together.&nb sp\;Media Sponsors:&nbsp\;</em><em>Los Angeles Downtown News</em>\, KSCI-T V LA-18\, and&nbsp\;<em>The Rafu Shimpo</em>&nbsp\;\n\nFor more info\, vis it:&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank" ></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T082443Z SUMMARY:Target FREE Family Saturday: Uniquely You! URL:/en/events/2010/06/12/target-free-family-saturday-uniquely-you/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR