BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100510T000000Z DTEND:20100510T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em><strong>EthnoLA: Revisioning Community and Culture</strong> </em> \n A retrospective of films from the UCLA Center for EthnoCommunica tions\n Monday\, May 10\, 7 pm&nbsp\; at the Hammer Museum\, Billy Wilder Theater\n \n What do immigrant Latino truck drivers have in common with a multi-ethnic skateboard crew?&nbsp\; Did you know that a majority of motel s in Los Angeles are owned and run by South Asians\, that one of the key p layers in the Bus Riders Union is a Korean American grandmother\, that Pil ipinos were - and still are - a dynamic force in the development of hip ho p?&nbsp\; Discover some of the most compelling untold stories of what make s Los Angeles one of the most interesting and diverse cities in the world on Monday\, May 10\, 2010 at 7pm for a retrospective of some of the exciti ng student films to come out of the UCLA&rsquo\;s Center for EthnoCommunic ations.\n \n EthnoLA: Revisioning Community and Culture will feature six s hort films\, followed by a question and answer by the alumni filmmakers an d a reception at the Billy Wilder Theater of the Hammer Museum\, 10899 Wil shire Blvd.\, Los Angeles.&nbsp\; Founded in 1996 as part of the UCLA Asia n American Studies Center\, EthnoCommunications enables students to highli ght the diverse culture of Los Angeles by making short videos in conjuncti on with its various ethnic communities.&nbsp\; This special event provides a unique look at multi-cultural Los Angeles.&nbsp\; EthnoLA is presented by the Hammer Museum and the Center for Ethnocommunications\, a program of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center\, as part of the events commemorat ing the 40th anniversary of the ethnic studies centers at UCLA.\n \n This is a free event and reception.&nbsp\; For more information\, please\n visi t: <a href="" target= "_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240605T174911Z SUMMARY:EthnoLA Film Retrospective URL:/en/events/2010/05/10/ethnola-film-retrospective/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR