BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100522T000000Z DTEND:20100522T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Do you know about the 17 year-old Belmont High School student w ho made the unusual and courageous decision to join his Japanese Americans friends at the Manzanar concentration camp during World War II because be lieved the incarceration was wrong? For this\, his friends remember Ralph Lazo as the &ldquo\;cheerleader&rdquo\; who kept up their spirits and the Japanese American community continues to honor him today.&nbsp\; In 2004\ , Visual Communication (VC) and the Nikkei for Civil Rights &amp\; Redress (NCRR) co-produced a 30-minute film called &ldquo\;Stand Up for Justice&r dquo\; about Ralph and developed a curriculum guide as a tool to teach civ il liberties and the impact of the Japanese American incarceration.&nbsp\; \n\n<!-- [if !supportEmptyParas]--><!-- [endif]-->\n\nSince 2004\, the f ilm has been screened at numerous film festivals and NCRR&rsquo\;s Educati on Committee has conducted workshops for hundreds of California high schoo l teachers with the hope that the film and guide would bring out lessons a bout inter-ethnic support and the power of individual actions especially a fter the targeting of the Arab\, Muslim and South Asian American communiti es since 9/11.&nbsp\; NCRR also hopes that students will also learn about how a small community could wage a grassroots campaign to redress a wrong and win.&nbsp\; In May 2007\, then Board Member David Tokofsky\, brought the &ldquo\;Stand Up for Justice&rdquo\; project to the attention of the Board which wholeheartedly endorsed the DVD and Curriculum Guide and asked the staff to incorporate its use in the schools. In addition the teachers were recognized by the Board for their work and the family of the late Ra lph Lazo shared some thoughts about Ralph.&nbsp\; Made up of mainly teach ers\, the Education Committee has continued to present the materials at co nferences and workshops throughout California and at schools in LAUSD.&nbs p\; Through a Civil Liberties Public Education Program grant\, the Educat ion Committee is able to distribute the DVD (educational version) and the curriculum guide for free.&nbsp\; Last February\, the DVD with special ef fects including Spanish and Japanese subtitles was released commercially a nd is available for sale.\n\n<!-- [if !supportEmptyParas]--><!-- [endif] -->\n\nOn May 22\, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM in Little Tokyo the NCRR Education Committee is offering a free workshop for LAUSD teachers. This workshop will include a screening of the 30-minute DVD &ldquo\;Stand Up fo r Justice&rdquo\; and interactive lessons from the curriculum guide. The w orkshop\, DVD and Curriculum Guide are free but space is limited to 25 tea chers.&nbsp\; Please RSVP to <a></a> or call (213) 284-03 36.\n\n<!-- [if !supportEmptyParas]-->&nbsp\;<!-- [endif]-->\n<!-- [if !supportEmptyParas]--><!-- [endif]--><!-- [endif]--><!-- [endif]--> DTSTAMP:20240603T064359Z SUMMARY:Teacher Workshop: Stand Up for Justice\, The Ralph Lazo Story URL:/en/events/2010/05/22/teacher-workshop-stand-up-for-justice-the-ralph/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR