BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100626T000000Z DTEND:20100627T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Event Name: Buddhist Church of Lodi Annual Obon Bazaar </strong>\n<strong>Event Description</strong> \n The Buddhist Church of Lo di will celebrate Obon with plenty of great food\, a&nbsp\;Taiko performa nce\, craft sales\, and Bon Odori.&nbsp\; This is an annual Japanese fest ival commemorating one's ancestors.&nbsp\;\n\nWe will observe Obon with se rvices\, Bon Odori (dancing)\, and a bazaar-carnival at the annual Obon Fe stival during the weekend.&nbsp\; In Japan\, Obon evolved from the religi ous custom of honoring the deceased with memorial services.&nbsp\; During this time\, comparable holidays are observed throughout the Buddhist wor ld.&nbsp\; A special English service will be held with special guest spea kers.&nbsp\; Hatsubon Service will be held in memory of those that have p assed away since our last Obon.\n\n<strong>Obon / Bazaar Carnival Descrip tion</strong> \n The bazaar-carnival will be held throughout the weekend a nd will feature many games for the young and old.&nbsp\; This year's raff le will offer many prizes\, including one grand prize. We will have handi crafts and farm fresh produce at bargain prices.&nbsp\; Delicious Japanese food like beef and chicken teriyaki\, sushi\, udon (Japanese noodles)\, won ton\, chow mein\, corn\, teriburgers\, oriental chicken salad\, Okina wa Dango (donuts)\, Imagawa Yaki (Sweet bean dessert)\, oden\, soft drink s\, snow cones and other treats will be available!\n\n<strong>Obon Dance / Bon Odori or Folk Dance\n </strong> The traditional Obon bon odori dan ce which expresses joy for the teachings offered by the Buddha will be pe rformed with an intermission.&nbsp\; The movements depict the livelihood o f the villagers such as fishermen\, coal miners\, and farmers.&nbsp\; You r participation with the other dancers is appreciated\, the public is wel come to join.\n\n<strong>Dates\n </strong> June 26 - 27th\n\n<strong>Sche dule\n </strong> 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Food sale (Saturday and Sunday)\n 5:3 0 pm - 10:00 pm - Bingo (Saturday)\n 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm - Bingo (Sunday)\n \n<strong>Time of Obon Bon Odori </strong> (Folk Dance)(Double Check Web site for actual time) \n 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm\n\n<strong>Booth &amp\; Obon Sc hedule</strong> \n Japanese Food\n Bingo\n Children games\n Raffle for don ation\n Bon Odori Dancing (obon dancing)\n Japanese Cultural Demonstration s\n Plants &amp\; Flowers\n Live Taiko \n Martial Arts Demonstration\n\n< strong>Practice Lesson of Bon Odori</strong> (Folk Dance)(Double Check We b site for practice schedule)\n Dates: June 14\, 16\, 18\, 21\, 23\n Time: 7 - 8:30 pm\n\nFor more information including updated shcedule\, visit < a href=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240606T020253Z SUMMARY:Buddhist Church of Lodi Annual Obon Bazaar/Bon Odori URL:/en/events/2010/06/26/buddhist-church-of-lodi-annual-obon-bazaarbon-odo / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR