BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100813T000000Z DTEND:20100819T000000Z DESCRIPTION:UTB\, United Television Broadcasting Systems Inc.\, will presen t a new documentary\, <em>442 - Live with Honor\, Die with Dignity</em> \ , directed by Junichi Suzuki\, the director of <em>Toyo's Camera - Japane se American History during WWII</em> . Both movies will be shown at Viz C inema in San Francisco Japantown from Friday\, August 13 to Thursday\, Au gust 19.\n\nMovie Schedule:\n <em><a href="">442 - Live with Honor\, Die with Dignity</a>\n</em> 2:50 PM &amp\; 7:00 PM\n <e m><a href="">Toyo's Camera - Japanese American History during WWII</a>\n</em> 12:50 PM &amp\; 5:00 PM\n\nVenue:\n <a hre f="">Viz Cinema\, New Poeple</a> \n 17 46 Post St.\n San Francisco\, CA 94115\n\nTickets:\n Advance Ticket $10 is Available at NJAHS\n To purchase the ticket\, please come or contact to N JAHS.\n 1684 Post St.\n San Francisco\, CA 94115\n Phone: 415-921-5007 DTSTAMP:20240602T082408Z SUMMARY:New Documentary Film\, 442 - Live with Honor\, Die with Dignity URL:/en/events/2010/08/13/new-documentary-film-442-live-with-honor-die-w/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR