BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100828T000000Z DTEND:20100828T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Miyako Watanabe is slated to be one of the featured speakers at the Sawtelle Stories Forum on August 28\, Saturday\, 2 pm to 4 pm\, at the New Center for Psychoanalysis\, 2014 Sawtelle Blvd\, West Los Angeles (between La Grange and Mi ssissippi).\n &nbsp\;\n Parking at rear of the ce nter. Enter from Beloit Street. (No parking in stalls 12-21).\n &nbsp\;\n No charge for admission. Donations are welcome to Japanese Institute of Sawtelle' Sawtelle Stories Fund.\n &nbsp\;\n After living in Sawtelle in the 1930s and studying in Japan\, Miyako Watanabe w as given the natori name (professional stage name )\, Nishiki Fujima\, after Japan's National Livin g Treasure\, Kanjuro Fujima VI.\n &nbsp\;\n Later \, she become Bisho Ichikawa tutored by Danjuro I chikawa XI. Under Eizaemon Kineya\, Miyako studie d nagauta earning the name\, Einishiki Kineya.\n &nbsp\;\n Miyoko Watanabe was born in Los Angeles .&nbsp\; Her mother was a Nihon Buyo teacher in S awtelle.&nbsp\; Miyoko began study of Nihon Buyo at age 6.&nbsp\; \n &nbsp\;\n She often performed in Sawtelle's JapanTown.&nbsp\; Studied kabuki acting with Tomofuku Nakamura.&nbsp\; At age 14\, she was invited to join t he Shojo (Girls') Kabuki\, a popular all girls tr oupe touring California and Hawaii. \n &nbsp\;\n While performing\, she was discovered by Takejiro Otani\, President of Shochiku Studios\, the firm that managed Kabuki in Japan.\n &nbsp\;\n Miyako Watanabe has returned to Sawtelle again to have her tell her story assisted by longtime friend\, Haru Nakata\, and her niece\, DeAnn Otani. \n &nb sp\;\n Other speakers can be scheduled. Call Jack Fujimoto at (310) 470-2997 or email <a style="fo nt-weight: bold\; color: #000000\; text-decoration: underline\;" href="mai"></a> \n &nbsp\;\n Sawtelle Stories Forum is funded by Japanese Inst itute of Sawtelle and UCLA Paul I. &amp\; Hisako Tersaki Center for Japanese Studies. &nbsp\;&nbsp \; DTSTAMP:20240602T023143Z SUMMARY:Sawtellw Stories Forum to feature former "Girls' Kabuki" star in 19 30s\, Miyako Watanabe URL:/en/events/2010/08/28/sawtellw-stories-forum-to-feature-former-girls-k/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR