BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100930T000000Z DTEND:20101010T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Space &ndash\; likely the most deceptive of all illusions\n\nTh e Japanese have a term for it Ma.\nMa (間) is a Japanese word that can be roughly translated as "gap\," "space\," "pause\," or as "the space betwee n two structural parts. There is no equivalent single word term for Ma in the English language.\n\nArchitects deal with space: it is their professi on to combine nature and man-made structure in a way that is functional\, efficient\, beautiful and timeless. Hayahiko Takase not only bridges here and there\, but he bridges countries\, generations\, culture and traditio n through his architecture and his art. Born in pre-WWII Japan\, his firs t recollections entering the path to becoming an architect was seeing bomb ers fly over Tokyo during WWII. He loved the shape of planes. His desire to be an aeronautical engineer shifted\, and he took the next path\, that of architecture. His love of the shape of planes transitioned into a new p assion\, architecture\, which seemed to be the combination of art and engi neering. Takase graduated from the prestigious Tokyo University to travel and work in South America and Europe and then to America\, eventually get ting a graduate degree in architecture from Harvard.\n\nTakase has instinc tively used the essence of &ldquo\;Ma&rdquo\; to balance structure and spa ce to create beautiful\, functional buildings that combine Eastern and Wes tern traditions\, creating environments that flow through time and giving people a place to thrive and be content.\n\nWe are happy to present this e xhibition of the work of Hayahiko Takase.\nWe are grateful that he chose t o use his talents to create lasting images that define the landscape of Li ttle Tokyo.\n\nThe Little Tokyo Historical Society will present an exhibit ion of Hayahiko Takase\, architect of many of the iconic buildings in Litt le Tokyo from Sept 30 - Oct 10 at the Doizaki Gallery of the Japanese Amer ican Cultural and Community Center\, 244 South San Pedro Street\, Los Ange les\, CA 90012. Admission free.\n\nFor more information: <a href="http://w" target="_blank"> oftakase.php</a> DTSTAMP:20240611T204215Z SUMMARY:The Architecture and Art of Hayahiko Takase\, Little Tokyo landmark designer\, Sept 30 - Oct 10 URL:/en/events/2010/09/30/the-architecture-and-art-of-hayahiko-takase-littl / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR