BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101113T000000Z DTEND:20101113T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n<p style="padding-top: 0pt\;">The Center for the Arts at Riv er Ridge and Holden and Arts Associates are proud to present this outstan ding international sensation for a one of a kind public engagement.\n\n<p style="padding-bottom: 0pt\;">A thrilling combination of world beats\, t raditional Japanese drums\, and outstanding athleticism\, San Jose Taiko is one concert you will never forget!&nbsp\; Here comes the beat!\n\n<p st yle="padding-bottom: 0pt\;">&nbsp\;\n\n<p style="padding-bottom: 0pt\;"><s pan style="line-height: 18.05px\;">SAN JOSE TAIKO\n \n\n<p style="line-hei ght: 18.05px\;"><span style="line-height: 18.05px\;">international touring company in concert\n \n\n<p style="line-height: 15.3425px\;"><span style= "line-height: 18.05px\;">Saturday\, November 13\, 2010 at 7:00pm\n \n\n<p style="line-height: 15.3425px\;"><span style="line-height: 18.05px\;">$15 general admission\n \n\n<p style="padding-bottom: 0pt\; line-height: 15.34 25px\;"><span style="line-height: 18.05px\;">Tickets on sale beginning Oct ober 1\, 2010\n\n<p style="padding-bottom: 0pt\; line-height: 15.3425px\;" >web :: <a href="">http: //</a>\n\n<p style="padding-top : 0pt\;"><span style="line-height: 17px\;">FOR TICKET INFORMATION ON THIS SPECIAL CONCERT PRESENTATION CALL\n \n\n<p style="padding-bottom: 0pt\;"> <span style="line-height: 17px\;">727-774-7382\n\n DTSTAMP:20240603T111128Z SUMMARY:San Jose Taiko in New Port Richey\, FL URL:/en/events/2010/11/13/san-jose-taiko-in-new-port-richey-fl/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR