BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101117T000000Z DTEND:20101117T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a> </a> <span />\nSeventeen Syllables: Sharing Stories of Inte rnment\n\nFeaturing Roger Shimomura and others! \n Wednesday\, November 17 \, 6-7pm \n Flomenhaft Gallery\, 547 W 27th St #200\, NY\, NY\n\nWe're th rowing a special reception to present our fourth Lifetime Achievement Aw ard to Hisaye Yamamoto\, the legendary author of Seventeen Syllables\, a n edgy and sexual short story collection about how hard it can be for th e Nisei and Issei generations to understand one another. Born in 1921\, Hisaye wrote part of the collection while written in internment camps in Poston\, Arizona.\n\nAt dinner\, Smithsonian-recognized painter Roger Shi momura presents a special artist talk featuring paintings depicting his childhood in Idaho internment camps during the Second World War. At cock tails\, Roger will present the award to a member of Hisaye's family and prominent Asian American community members will share stories from their family about internment. In honor of the title story of Hisaye's collec tion\, which features a mother's obsession with haiku\, we'll have well- known literary figures sell you personalized haikus at ten bucks a pop. Join us for an eclectic night\, at the intersection between art and poli tics\, as we honor the stories that pass between one generation to anoth er.\n\n<em>Dinner &amp\; intimate artists talk 6-7pm $200 (comes with AAWW membership\, cocktail tickets &amp\; listing as Benefit Committee member ) </em>\n<em>Special dinner package 3 for $500 (comes with AAWW membership \, cocktail tickets &amp\; listing as Benefit Committee </em>\n<em>Cocktai ls &amp\; readings 7-9pm $50 (comes with membership) </em>\n<em>Special co cktail package 3 for $100 (comes with membership) </em>\n<em>If you buy or raise $200 in cocktail tickets\, you will be listed in the Benefit Commit tee. </em>\n<em>Benefit Committee members will be honored on the Workshop and PAGE TURNER websites\, as well as the event program.</em> DTSTAMP:20240601T022510Z SUMMARY: Honoring Hisaye Yamamoto URL:/en/events/2010/11/17/honoring-hisaye-yamamoto/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR