BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110711T000000Z DTEND:20110715T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FOR: </strong> 9 to 14 year-olds who are beginners or w ho can play with &quot\;Beginner's Mind&quot\;\n\n<strong>WHEN: </strong> 9am to 2:30pm\, Monday July 11 - Friday July 15\n\n<strong>WHERE: </strong > <a title="Braun Music Center" href=" &amp\;rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&amp\;client=firefox-a&amp\;um=1&amp\; ie=UTF-8&amp\;q=braun+music+stanford&amp\;fb=1&amp\;gl=us&amp\;hq=braun+mu sic&amp\;hnear=stanford&amp\;cid=0\,0\,11371761102478546133&amp\;ei=RmyIS9 KLKI_iswOWt9CGAw&amp\;sa=X&amp\;oi=local_result&amp\;ct=image&amp\;resnum= 1&amp\;ved=0CAcQnwIwAA" title="Braun Music Center">Braun Music Center</a> \, Stanford University\n\n<strong>COST: </strong> $375\; includes instruct ion by members of San Jose Taiko and Stanford Taiko\, bachi (drumsticks)\, mid-morning snacks\, and camp t-shirt.\n\nSpace is limited. Early registr ation is highly recommended!\n\nA $50 deposit + registration information m ust be received in order to reserve your child's spot.\n\n<strong>REGISTRA TION &amp\; INFORMATION: </strong> Download the registration form&nbsp\; < strong><a title="STAS reg form 2011" href=" istrationForm2011.pdf" title="STAS reg form 2011">here</a> </strong> .&nbs p\; For more information\, send an email to <a href="mailto:summertaiko@ta"></a> \, or call (408) 293-9344.&nbsp\;\n\n<e m>Tuition subsidies are available to qualified families and will be distri buted on a first-come-first-served basis.&nbsp\; For more information\, co ntact us at <a href=""></ a> .</em> \n About the Camp...\n The goal of the camp is to introduce beginners to North American taiko\, a dynamic and relatively new Asian American art form with roots in Japan. The philosophy of the camp is to provide an environment for parti cipants which creates a sense of community and a positive attitude towards diversity and creativity.\n\nInstructor s for the camp are selected from <a title="performing mem bers" href=" ice/" title="performing members">performing members</a> of San Jose Taiko and <a title="Stanford Taiko" href="http://www.stanford.e du/group/stanfordtaiko/" title="Stanford Taiko">Stanford Taiko</a> . San J ose Taiko members bring with them professional performing experience and a 26-year history of training South Bay y outh through their <a title="Junior Taiko program" href=" junior-taiko-culture-awareness-group-cooperation/" title="Junior Taiko pro gram">Junior Taiko program</a> . Members of Stanford Taik o bring considerable dedication to the art form and boundless energy and ideas for sharing taiko with others. DTSTAMP:20240603T061312Z SUMMARY:Summer Taiko at Stanford URL:/en/events/2011/07/11/summer-taiko-at-stanford/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR