BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110605T000000Z DTEND:20110605T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Date: Sunday June 5th\, 2011\n Location: Japanese Canadian Cult ural Centre\n \n Teaching schedule:\n 8:30am &ndash\; 9:00am\n 9:00am &nda sh\; 10:00am\n 10:10am &ndash\; 11:10am\n 11:20am &ndash\; 12:20pm\n 12:30 pm &ndash\; 1:30pm\n \n Thank you to all instructors who have agreed to do nate\n their time to teaching the classes.\n \n All seminar expenses are d onated by the JCCC Aikikai\n and its members.\n \n Charge:\n \n $15 minimu m (100% of funds received will be directed to the JCCC Foundation\n Japan Earthquake Relief Fund)\n \n If a tax receipt is required\, please make yo ur donation at the JCCC front desk and bring the tax\n receipt to register for the seminar. You can also donate online and bring proof of your donat ion\n to register for the seminar.\n \n uake_relief_fund.htm\n Please make your cheque payable to JCCC Foundation and indicate\n &ldquo\;Japan Earthquake Relief Fund&rdquo\; on the memo po rtion of your cheque.\n \n No pre-registration\n \n Registration\n Turner Shidoin &ndash\; 6th Dan\n Hewson Shidoin &ndash\; 6th Dan\n Nakamura Shid oin &ndash\; 6th Dan\n Obata Shihan &ndash\; 7th Dan DTSTAMP:20240601T104343Z SUMMARY:Toronto JCCC Aikido Seminar for Japan Disaster Relief on June 5th URL:/en/events/2011/06/05/toronto-jccc-aikido-seminar-for-japan-disaster-re l/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR