BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111021T000000Z DTEND:20111021T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>San Jose Taiko proudly presents Rhythm Spirit 2011 Concerts !</em>\n<em>SJT's annual Rhythm Spirit Concert series allows the company to share its dynamic in-theatre production with our hometown audiences.&n bsp\; </em>\n<em>This year&rsquo\;s concert will explore the sights and so unds of the Japanese-American festival in a dynamic concert setting.\n \n &ldquo\;Our October Rhythm Spirit 2011 Concert series is our way of recog nizing our roots---how far we&rsquo\;ve come\, as well as what things rem ain constant and true about San Jose Taiko\,&rdquo\; said incoming Artist ic Director Franco Imperial\, &ldquo\;For this concert\, we&rsquo\;ve cap tured those special moments that arise from our festival participation an d will present them in a stylized and meaningful way. &rdquo\;</em>\n\n3 Shows:\n Friday\, October 21 - 8:00PM\n Saturday\, October 22 - 2:00PM &am p\; 8:00PM\n\n<a href="">Camp bell Heritage Theatre</a> \n 1 West Campbell Ave\n Downtown Campbell\n\nTi ckets: 408-866-2700\n Adults: $25&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Students/Seniors $20\n Gro up rates available\n\nphone :: (408) 866-2700\n map :: <a href="http://map">Maps and Directions</a> \n web :: <a href=" etheatre/boxoffice.htm"> fice.htm</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T023200Z SUMMARY:San Jose Taiko presents Rhythm Spirit 2011 URL:/en/events/2011/10/21/san-jose-taiko-presents-rhythm-spirit-2011/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR