BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111203T000000Z DTEND:20111203T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Saeko Ichinohe has been creating dance - merging traditional Ja panese movement\, music and costumes with modern Western movement continu ously - since 1970. A native of Japan and a graduate of the Juilliard Sch ool\, she is the first Japanese choreographer to win a choreographic priz e in the U.S. and to create works for American ballet companies.\n\nHer N ew York-based company has established a cultural bridge for Western audie nces\, combining an appreciation of the traditions and art forms of Japan with American contemporary dance. Her company members teach in New York City\, in Tokyo\, and in cities throughout the United States as guest tea chers.\n\nThe company\, which fuses traditional Japanese and contemporary Western dance vocabularies\, celebrates its 40th anniversary. The evening highlights the world premiere of <em>Rebirth</em> \, and includes reperato ry piece <em>Heian</em> and screenings of past performances.\n\nPart I: Sc reening of Retrospective of Performances\n\nPart II: &nbsp\;&ldquo\;HEIAN& rdquo\; (Music by Behzad Ranjbaran)\n\nPart III: &nbsp\;&ldquo\;REBIRTH&rd quo\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;World Premiere &nbsp\;\n\n<span style="white-space: pr e\;"> Composer/Performer: Yukio Koma &nbsp\;- &nbsp\;Shamisen music playe d live\n\n<span style="white-space: pre\;"> All choreographies by Saeko I chinohe\n\n<span style="white-space: pre\;"> Guest Performer: Toshinori H amada\n\n<span style="white-space: pre\;"> Dancers: &nbsp\;Heather Currie \, Ari Someya\, Cho Ying Tsai\, Atsushi Yahagi\n\n&nbsp\;<span style="whit e-space: pre\;"> The performance will be followed by reception\n<span sty le="white-space: pre\;"> with silent auction (including one-of-a-kind cos tumes)\nTickets:<span style="white-space: pre\;"> Performance: &nbsp\;$30 \n\nStudents and |Seniors: &nbsp\;$15&nbsp\;\n\n<span style="white-space: pre\;"> &nbsp\;&nbsp\;<span style="white-space: pre\;"> Performance &amp \; Reception: &nbsp\;$70 ($40 tax deduction)\n\n<span style="white-space: pre\;"> Ticket orders|: &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\;Phone &nbs p\;212-868-4444\n\n&nbsp\;<span style="white-space: pre\;"> <span style=" white-space: pre\;"> For more information: &nbsp\;Please call 212-757-253 1 &nbsp\; or &nbsp\; <strong> <a href="">info</a> <span style="display: none\;">This e-mail address i s being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it < /strong>\n<em>&nbsp\; &nbsp\;The 40th Anniversary Performance is made poss ible in part with public funds&nbsp\;</em> <em>from the Fund for Creative Communities\, supported by the New York State&nbsp\;</em> <em>Council on t he Arts and administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. &nbsp\;G rant received from the J.C.C. Fund. </em> <em>Also supported by the Consul ate General of Japan in New York</em>\n<em>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</em> <em>&nbsp\; &nbsp\;A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Up-slope\, a non pro fit organization based in Sendai\, Japan\, supporting the performing arts activities of the area affected by the earthquake and tsunami on March 11\, 2011.</em>\n<em>For more information\, please visit http://www.ichino\n </em> DTSTAMP:20240607T191118Z SUMMARY:Saeko Ichinohe Dance Company URL:/en/events/2011/12/03/saeko-ichinohe-dance-company/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR