BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120324T000000Z DTEND:20120331T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Osaka Committee of Chicago Sister Cities International and Japan America Society of Chicago are excited to bring&nbsp\;<strong><em>Ki zuna: The Bonds of Emotion</em></strong><strong><em>\, Japan Earthquake Ph oto Exhibition</em>&nbsp\;</strong>to Chicago\, March 12 to March 31.\n\nO n Monday\, March 12\, a custom-curated photo exhibition of the Japanese ea rthquake and tsunami will open to the public in the lobby of the Thompson Center\, State of Illinois Building\, at 100 W. Randolph Street in Chicago .\n\nThe Office of the Governor of Illinois and Consul General of Japan at Chicago Yoshifumi Okamura will lead in the opening ceremony at noon\, wel comed by Japanese children\, Japanese musicians\, the public and press cor ps. March 11\, 2012 has been officially proclaimed as&nbsp\;<strong>Japane se Earthquake Commemoration Day</strong>&nbsp\;in Illinois by Governor Pat Quinn.\n\nThe exhibition features photos taken in the Tohoku region by ph otojournalists from the leading Japanese business newspaper&nbsp\;<em>The Nikkei</em>&nbsp\;in the immediate aftermath of the March 11\, 2011 earthq uake and tsunami\, and ongoing recovery efforts.&nbsp\;The photos included in Chicago's exhibition are 46 selected from more than 100.&nbsp\;They ar e paired in a subtle way to chronicle the catastrophe and then a similar o r related photo of the recovery process. The selections here vividly illus trate the human tragedy of this catastrophic disaster and the optimism and resilience of Japanese local citizens as they struggle to rebuild their l ives.\n\nThe title of the Chicago exhibition\,&nbsp\;<em>Kizuna: The Bonds of Emotion</em>\, uses a character and the word Kizuna to express the bon ds of caring and the outreach from every end of the globe to help the Japa nese people survive and recover from the unspeakable damage they endured.\ n\nThese photographs are being exhibited in New York and London as well\, all made possible through the generous cooperation of Nikkei Inc. which as ks us to recreate their photography collection's theme of<em>Memory &ndash \; Things We Should Never Forget</em>.\n\nThe exhibition will remain in th e Thompson Center from March 12 to March 16\, and then it moves to The Chi cago Photography Collective Gallery at Block 37 from March 21 to March 31. It is free and open to the public.\n\n om/news.html?d=247689 DTSTAMP:20240607T071019Z SUMMARY:Kizuna: The Bonds of Emotion\, Japan Earthquake Photo Exhibition URL:/en/events/2012/03/24/kizuna-the-bonds-of-emotion-japan-earthquake-pho/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR