BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120508T000000Z DTEND:20120508T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Homeroom presents the music\, history\, and mythology of the Wu -Tang Clan. \n \n Join hosts Fred Sasaki and Seth Vanek\, comedian Emerson Dameron\, and hip-hop writer Sherron Shabazz for a look at the many hear ts of hip-hop royalty. The leader of the group\, RZA\, named the band aft er a kung-fu movie he watched as a child and developed the Wu-Tang philo sophy around topics of spirituality\, martial arts\, capitalism\, comic b ooks\, chess\, organized crime\, cinema\, and chemistry. Only after the b and&rsquo\;s multi-platinum success RZA discovered that the Chinese word &ldquo\;Wu-Tang&rdquo\; means &ldquo\;man who deserves God.&rdquo\; The Wu went from Staten Island rappers to international entrepreneurs to spirit ual gurus while creating a lasting\, influential universe starring RZA\, GZA\, Ol&rsquo\; Dirty Bastard\, Method Man\, Ghostface Killah\, Raekwon\ , U-God\, Inspectah Deck\, and Masta Killa&mdash\;36 chambers of one hear t. The whole brought people together of all colors and creeds under one r oof\, under the W\, and this 101 will explore how and why.\n \n The night features clips\, DJ sets of hits and deep cuts\, plus laughs and deadly venom. Stick around for a screening of the original kung-fu movie that se t it off: Shaolin and Wu-Tang by Gordon Liu.\n \n $5 suggested\, 21+\n &n bsp\; \n BIOS\n \n Emerson Dameron is a writer and comedian based in Chica go and Los Angeles. He has written about hip hop and outsider music for D usted Magazine. Find him at\n \n Sherron Shabazz is a freelance writer born and raised in Chicago\, IL. A diehard fan of NBA b asketball and Hip Hop music\, Sherron shares his opinions and expertise o n and among other outlets. Sherron has intervie wed some of the biggest names in Hip Hop and sports such as Chicago Bulls guard Derrick Rose\, ESPN analyst Scoop Jackson\, the highest man in Hip Hop Redman\, and rap music&rsquo\;s next big thing\, J Cole. A self-admi tted Wu-Tang fanatic\, Sherron attended his first Wu-Tang Clan concert in April of 1996 and since then has attended over 50 Wu-Tang concerts. Foll ow him on twitter @SherronShabazz.\n &nbsp\; \n 101 is an informal lecture and discussion series in which enthusiasts explore sub-culture and pop i n front of a drinking crowd. It takes place on occasional Tuesdays at the Hungry Brain in Roscoe Village. Brought to you by Homeroom: homeroomchic DTSTAMP:20240601T082942Z SUMMARY:Homeroom with Fred Saski and Seth Vanek Present the Music\, History \, and Mythology of the Wu-Tang Clan URL:/en/events/2012/05/08/homeroom-with-fred-saski-and-seth-vanek-present-t h/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR