BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120721T000000Z DTEND:20120722T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Ginza Bazaar brings you two days of games\, entertainment\, Japanese food\, shopping\, camaraderie and more! The highlight of the wee kend will be traditional Japanese Bon Dancing on Sunday\, July 22nd&nbsp\; from 1PM to 3PM.\n\nThe Buddhist Church of San Francisco invites you to jo in in the fun.\n\n<ul><li>Sample unique Japanese delicacies including: BCS F&rsquo\;s own special chicken teriyaki\, sushi\, udon\, Daruma dogs featu ring innovative Asian toppings and desserts.</li><li>Join in Sunday&rsquo\ ;s Bon Dancing with friendly dancers eager to show you the steps</li><li>O n Saturday enjoy ukulele\, kendo fencing\, tea ceremony demonstrations and learn the delicate art of Japanese calligraphy.</li><li>Browse the Bazaar filled with children&rsquo\;s games\, bingo\, booths offering unique hand -crafted items\, and a special collection of Asian American books.</li><li >Savor a quiet moment in the Tea Salon.</li><li>Select from an array of ar t and antique items\, gift certificates and more at the silent auction.&nb sp\;</li></ul>\n\n<strong>Bazaar - </strong>Saturday\, July 21\, from 12:0 0pm to 8:00pm\n\n<strong>Bon Odori and Taiko - </strong>Sunday\, July 22\, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm on Octavia Street\n\\n\n(415) 776-3 158 DTSTAMP:20240601T012315Z SUMMARY:Buddhist Church of San Francisco's Annual Ginza Bazaar URL:/en/events/2012/07/21/buddhist-church-of-san-franciscos-annual-ginza-ba / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR