BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130127T000000Z DTEND:20130127T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Korematsu Institute celebrates Fred Korematsu Day 2013 by h onoring 16 American civil rights heroes who&rsquo\;ve been long overlooked (see list below). This will be a historic gathering of civil rights heroe s and the descendants of heroes who have passed on. The event also feature s celebrity emcee DANNY GLOVER\, as well as a special performance by&nbsp\ ;<em>American Idol</em>&nbsp\;star JASMINE TRIAS.\n<strong>WHEN</strong>: Sunday\, January 27\, 2013. 1:00pm VIP reception with honorees\, 2:30-4:30 pm program\n<strong>WHERE</strong>: Herbst Theatre\,&nbsp\;401 Van Ness Av e.\, San Francisco\, CA 94102\n\n<strong>TICKETS</strong>: Available for p urchase&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">here</ a>\n$100 VIP reception with honorees + program admission\n$25 program gene ral admission\n$10 senior (65+)/student/youth admission\n<strong></strong> \n<strong>FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE</strong>:&nbsp\;<a href=" eroesfb" target="_blank"></a>\n<strong></strong> \n<strong>MORE INFO:&nbsp\;</strong>Call 415-848-7737 or visit&nbsp\;<a hr ef="" target="_blank"></a> \n<strong>FLYER</strong>: Download the flyer&nbsp\;<a href="http://koremat">her e</a>\n<span style="font-weight: bold\;">FEATURING:\n<strong>Program emcee \,&nbsp\;</strong><strong>DANNY GLOVER:&nbsp\;</strong>actor\, community a ctivist\, humanitarian\n<strong>Special performance by JASMINE TRIAS:&nbsp \;</strong><em>American Idol</em>&nbsp\;star\, international recording art ist\n\n<strong>HONOREES:</strong>\n\n1. <strong>FRED KOREMATSU</strong>: P laintiff who challenged the WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans in th e US Supreme Court. Karen Korematsu will represent her father at the event .\n\n2. <strong>GRACE LEE BOGGS</strong>: Chinese American grassroots acti vist for pan-ethnic social justice movements.\n\n3. <strong>MITSUYE ENDO</ strong>: Plaintiff who challenged the WWII incarceration of Japanese Ameri cans in theUS Supreme Court. Wayne Tsutsumi and Wendy Weiner will represen t their mother at the event.\n\n4. <strong>FILIPINO WWII VETERANOS</strong >: Filipino soldiers who fought for the US against Japanese forces during WWII but were later denied US military benefits. Veterano Alberto Saldajen o will represent this honoree group at the event.\n\n5. <strong>GORDON HIR ABAYASHI</strong>: Plaintiff who challenged the WWII incarceration of Japa nese Americans in the US Supreme Court. Jay Hirabayashi will represent his father at the event.\n\n6. <strong>INTERNMENT DISSENTERS</strong>: &ldquo \;No Nos\,&rdquo\; draft resisters and renunciants who challenged the WWII incarceration and mistreatment of Japanese Americans. &ldquo\;No-No&rdquo \; Hiroshi Kashiwagi will represent this honoree group at the event.\n\n7. <strong>LARRY ITLIONG</strong>: Filipino American organizer and coalition builder in California&rsquo\;s farm labor movement. Johnny Itliong will r epresent his father at the event.\n8. <strong>JAPANESE AMERICAN WWII VETER ANS</strong>: Soldiers who fought bravely in segregated WWII military unit s in the face of racism at home. MIS veteran Asa Hanamoto will represent t his honoree group at the event.\n\n9. <strong>YURI KOCHIYAMA</strong>: Jap anese American grassroots activist for pan-ethnic social justice movements . Audee Kochiyama Holman will represent her mother at the event.\n\n10. <s trong>QUEEN LILI&lsquo\;UOKALANI</strong>: Last reigning monarch of the Ki ngdom of Hawaii and advocate for Hawaiian sovereignty.\n\n11. <strong>DOLL AR STORE STRIKERS</strong>: Women labor activists who launched one of the longest-running strikes in San Francisco&rsquo\;s Chinatown. Mervyn Lee\, son of striker Sue Koh Lee\, will represent this honoree group at the even t.\n\n12. <strong>MAMIE TAPE</strong>: Chinese American child plaintiff in landmark case reinforcing equal access to education. Alisa Kim will repre sent her aunt at the event.\n\n13.<strong> BHAGAT SINGH THIND</strong>: Si kh American plaintiff in US Supreme Court case examining race-based citize nship. David Bhagat Thind will represent his father at the event.\n\n14. < strong>PHILIP VERA CRUZ</strong>: Filipino American founding member of the United Farm Workers and defender of workers&rsquo\; rights. Fernando Gapa sin will represent his uncle at the event.\n\n15. <strong>WONG KIM ARK</st rong>: Chinese American plaintiff in US Supreme Court case affirming birth right citizenship.\n\n16. <strong>MIN YASUI</strong>: Plaintiff who challe nged the WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans in the US Supreme Court. Serena Hawkins-Schletzbaum and Chani Hawkins-Walker will represent their grandfather at the event.\n\nIf you know any living members of the group h onorees (Internment Dissenters\, 1938 Chinatown Dollar Store Strikers\, Ja panese American WWII Veterans\, or Filipino American Veteranos)\, please h ave them call us at 415-848-7737 or to receive complimentary tickets! DTSTAMP:20240603T174749Z SUMMARY:Fred Korematsu Day Heroes Celebration URL:/en/events/2013/01/27/fred-korematsu-day-heroes-celebration/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR