BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130324T000000Z DTEND:20130324T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Sushi\nOn Sunday\,March 24\, 2013\, the Japanese C ultural and Community Center of Northern California will be offering indiv iduals the chance to master the art of sushi-making at their Sunday Night Sushi workshop. Taught by Chef Alan Hirahara\, this hands-on workshop will teach students basic sushi-making techniques using the freshest ingredien ts\, giving them the proper foundation to better explore the art at home w ith family and friends.&nbsp\;\nWhat's included:&nbsp\;\nHow to prepare su shi rice&nbsp\;\nHow to properly slice fresh fish for sushi&nbsp\;\nHands- on sushi-making and tasting of homemade sushi\, which includes: Hosomaki r oll (rice on inside)\; Uramaki roll (rice on outside)\; and Nigiri sushi.& nbsp\;\nParticipants will also have a chance to tap into their creative wi th a "create your own roll" at the end.&nbsp\;\nAll recipes will be provid ed at the end of class&nbsp\;\nThe Chef:&nbsp\;\nChef Alan Hirahara is a g raduate of the California Culinary Academy. Chef Alan spent 12 years at Sh ogun sushi bar in Mammoth Lakes\, California\, working up to head sushi ch ef. Since 2001 he has been running his own sushi catering business and is also a Sushi 101 instructor at the renowned Draeger's Cooking School.\n\nG et $15 off the General admission by registering before March 10th! Just en ter the promo code: SushiFunday&nbsp\;\n\nFor Tickets:\n\nhttp://sundaynig DTSTAMP:20240611T044844Z SUMMARY:Sunday Night Sushi URL:/en/events/2013/03/24/sunday-night-sushi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR