BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130729T000000Z DTEND:20131231T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Visitors at Japantown festivals enjoy live music and drumming p erformed by San Jose&rsquo\;s&nbsp\;Chidori Band or San Jose Taiko (SJT). Learn about these musical legends via new&nbsp\;exhibits at the Japanese A merican Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) on display through&nbsp\;December 2013. This year\, they celebrate hallmark anniversaries -- Chidori Band&rsquo\; s 60th&nbsp\;and SJT&rsquo\;s 40th.\n\nCome and learn about their early be ginnings\, the performers\, attire\, and performances&nbsp\;through artifa cts\, photos\, and interactive technology.\n\nSJT&rsquo\;s contemporary st yle of taiko was amongst the first to incorporate instruments and&nbsp\;rh ythms of other world music with the traditional beats of Japanese taiko. A lso known&nbsp\;for their choreography and joyful energy\, SJT travels bey ond the state\, performing&nbsp\;nationally and internationally at Perform ing Arts Centers. They put San Jose on the&nbsp\;worldwide map.\n\nKimono- clad dancers glide to the music of the Chidori Band during the annual Obon .\n\nTheir exhibit\, &ldquo\;Music and Memories&rdquo\; includes the origi nal score of the Chidori Band&nbsp\;Ondo\, a favorite at Obon time\, as we ll as a scrapbook. Masayo Arii\, a founding member\,&nbsp\;recalls that wh en returning from camp\, there was no recreation . . . &ldquo\;nothing for the&nbsp\;Issei\, Japanese-speaking people . . . They put in long hours a nd this was something&nbsp\;that brought them enjoyment and a little relax ation.&rdquo\;\n\nThe Japantown air is permeated by a keen sense of harmon y as evidenced by these&nbsp\;two groups. JAMsj is proud to be a partnerin g organization with these performing arts&nbsp\;groups -- an integral aspe ct of our history and culture.\n\nQuestions? Please contact Aggie Idemoto at the Museum:\, (408)&nbsp\;294-3138\, or access the web s ite\, ( DTSTAMP:20240611T110151Z SUMMARY:New Chidori Band and SJ Taiko Exhibits URL:/en/events/2013/07/29/new-chidori-band-and-sj-taiko-exhibits/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR