BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131026T000000Z DTEND:20131026T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Bay Area jewelry designer and beading instructor Noriko Romanko comes to the Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) to teach a hand s-on workshop featuring one of her elegant\, right-angle weave designs. Th is beautiful necklace is made from a pattern where two sizes of Swarovski crystals dangle from a fleur de lis patterned chain created with&nbsp\;&nb sp\;<a href=" ri9l5XOGrnbM3Ku_M_10OkFFfVtDvwH_vMzPdIPl3K86oK4rsuejzvGpVdQ8DEWIgSGdDqtrtP Wqt0gqgv1nA6QGzCW3DzCGCuMc6SctLoG1rF-xqg-JL488H2x-Tmi5SCatqsqDq1Ab2LyYbegm MHULMUHCd20_yAiXLQ%3D%3D%26c%3DUf8hpQ96wzfOi1gxgwokHbyIG1ulVFqIE-BCddbY90w in7zsVQusLQ%3D%3D%26ch%3DzA23YCC0lL3XS8XSwJkxKPubahGrZb6tKzber3hAzQxKlTmR3 0h44w%3D%3D&amp\;lang=en" target="_blank">Swarovski crystal pearls&nbsp\;< /a>.\n\nThe picture shows Fleur de lis necklace and earrings.&nbsp\;<em>Ph oto courtesy of instructor.</em>\n\n"<em>My goal is to create jewelry that is suitable to wear with your special dress\, yet can be worn with everyd ay clothing.&nbsp\; I want my jewelry to have classic elegance which never goes out of style.&nbsp\; Think of it as diamonds\; I aim to design every piece with that kind of quality and timelessness." - Noriko Romanko</em>\ n&nbsp\;\nRomanko's jewelry projects are designed to be "Always Beautiful\ , Comfortable\, Durable (and Easy to learn" (ABCDE). Step-by-step instruct ions\, complete with diagrams and photos\, are provided. They are easy to follow and allow for the creation of multiple pieces years after having ma de the first one. Matching earring instructions are also included.\nThis p rogram will also include a trunk show featuring Romanko's original jewelry pieces (necklaces\, bracelets\, and earrings)\, as well as additional bea d kits for the design taught in this workshop.\n\nTo see more of Noriko's designs\, visit her website at &nbsp\;<a href=" referrer/? p3-51C-2R1mS4PCfrLPA-RN3jLxwNol9dAri9l5TM2vWw-bpLrHAMtLB6KbQSdpjXu8wMn7NOe MqL5pL1gpja-InrBFrT9QCwvjRz9I-jOZa3hrEutfrCpD1KOER1Zy8RvD2mxH5ohPV0YeW6sHc ZPsrw5Iz0%3D%26c%3DUf8hpQ96wzfOi1gxgwokHbyIG1ulVFqIE-BCddbY90win7zsVQusLQ% 3D%3D%26ch%3DzA23YCC0lL3XS8XSwJkxKPubahGrZb6tKzber3hAzQxKlTmR30h44w%3D%3D& amp\;lang=en" target="_blank"></a>.&nbsp\;&nbsp\; You can also find an example of her work featured in the October 2006 issue o f &nbsp\;<a href=" ol9dAri9l5XOGrnbM3Ku_VdqoAtRkS6CjrV3S4kyrCqOcY7XMw3sP5Ie7vNNT9zZmCiWjxORi7 Dv7UCfDLoKvOp-tSaDxkv_ZkTkWiilPXWf2tGgraMMuRxEboYilhha9qpf26dJR9Bt9rZTWIlU q3uklEv2oaTV--zQnce8W331Ww6t4f2ut%26c%3DUf8hpQ96wzfOi1gxgwokHbyIG1ulVFqIE- BCddbY90win7zsVQusLQ%3D%3D%26ch%3DzA23YCC0lL3XS8XSwJkxKPubahGrZb6tKzber3hA zQxKlTmR30h44w%3D%3D&amp\;lang=en" target="_blank">Bead and Button magazin e</a>&nbsp\;.\n\n<em><strong>Noriko Romanko</strong>&nbsp\;has been design ing and teaching beading classes for more than ten years. Her designs have been published in Bead &amp\; Button magazine\, as well as its sister pub lications. Romanko has taught in several locations across the San Francisc o Bay area and is known for her elegant designs and easy-to-follow instruc tions.&nbsp\;</em>\nIntermediate project\, but beginners with needle/threa d experience are welcome.\n\n<em></em><em>This class is offered at a speci al discounted rate for JAMsj.</em>\n\nCost: $30 class fee plus admission t o the museum (non-members\, $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\; J AMsj members and children under 12\, free). An additional $32 materials fe e (cash only) will be collected at the beginning of class. The materials f ee includes all beads for this project\, including genuine Swarovski cryst als and crystal pearls\, as well as jewelry findings\, wire thread\, and n eedles for right-angle weave beadwork.&nbsp\;<em>The class fee is reduced by $5.00 for members who are active volunteers at the museum.</em>\n<em> < /em>\n<em></em>\n\nClass is limited to 10 students\; 5 student minimum. RS VP early. Please contact<a href=" /rms/\;messageId=T3VhZEFyHkFyZ1v0EzU0k 2E1NsRq9U5G&amp\;purpose=display&amp\;bodyType=html">PublicPrograms@jamsj. org</a>&nbsp\;or call (408) 294-3138 to reserve a spot.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240609T012725Z SUMMARY:Craft Class: Fleur de Lis Necklace with guest instructor\, Noriko Romanko URL:/en/events/2013/10/26/craft-class-fleur-de-lis-necklace-with-guest-ins/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR