BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131011T000000Z DTEND:20131024T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the <a href=" cent-work-by-mariko-mori">Japan Society website</a> :\n\nAn icon of 1990s Japanese pop art\, the visionary artist<strong> Mariko Mori </strong> has always transformed herself effortlessly and faster than anyone else in to the future. Japan Society Gallery presents her latest countenance in this major solo exhibition\, <em>Rebirth</em> \, as a significant artist ic statement by Mori. The entire gallery space is transformed into Mori' s world through 35 sculptures\, drawings\, photographs\, sound and video works\, strung together into a narrative of birth\, death and rebirth&m dash\;a continuous circle of life force that the artist observes on a co smic scale. Journey through space\, time and consciousness in this immer sive installation. \n \n <strong>Admission:</strong> \n $12\; students &am p\; seniors $10\, Japan Society members &amp\; children under 16 free. A dmission is free to all on Friday nights\, 6-9 pm. (<em>*Please note: On N ov. 22\, Dec. 6\, and Dec. 13\, the Gallery will close at 6 pm\, with free admission from 4-6 pm.</em> )\n \n <strong>Gallery Hours:</strong> \n Tue s.-Thurs. 11 am-6 pm\; Fri. 11 am-9 pm\; Sat. &amp\; Sun. 11 am-5 pm\, clo sed Mon. &amp\; major holidays. \n <strong>\n Docent-led Tours:</strong> \ n Starting Fri.\, Oct. 11\, 2013 through Sun.\, Jan. 12\, 2014\, docent-le d walk-in tours will be conducted Tues.-Sun. at 2:30 pm and Fri. evening s at 7 pm. Japanese language tours will be conducted Friday nights at 6 pm. Tours are free with admission and are approximately one hour in du ration. To arrange private group tours please call (212) 715-1223. Two w eeks advance request recommended. DTSTAMP:20240607T104649Z SUMMARY:Rebirth: Recent Work by Mariko Mori URL:/en/events/2013/10/11/rebirth-recent-work-by-mariko-mori/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR