BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131218T000000Z DTEND:20131218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Please join us for an evening with Stephen Gong\, film historia n and executive director of the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM)\, a s he presents a selection of vintage local Japanese American home movies f rom CAAM's collection and talks about an exciting initiative by CAAM and h ow the community can participate.\n\nMemories to Light is a project to col lect and digitize home movies and to share them &ndash\; and the stories t hey tell &mdash\; to a broad public. Come and enjoy some of the films that CAAM has collected thus far and let them know if you have home movies to share.&nbsp\;\n\nFind out more about this project here:&nbsp\;<a href="htt p://" target="_blank">http://caam</a>\n<a href=" moriestolight/participate/" target="_blank"></a>\nCost: Free with admissio n to the museum (non-members\, $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\ ; JAMsj members and children under 12\, free)\n\nReserve your spot by cont acting&nbsp\;<a href="">PublicPrograms@jams</a>&nbsp\;or calling (408) 294-3138. DTSTAMP:20240601T053540Z SUMMARY:CAAM Introduces Memories to Light: Asian American Home Movie Projec t URL:/en/events/2013/12/18/caam-introduces-memories-to-light-asian-american/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR