BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140927T000000Z DTEND:20140927T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Have you ever wanted to master the technique for folding multi ple\, connected cranes with a single sheet of paper? Or perhaps you have been thinking about trying your hand at a modular origami project? This i s your chance! Acclaimed origami artist Linda Tomoko Mihara returns to JA Msj for two workshops this year to share the art of Rokoan and the joy of modular origami!\n\n<strong><span style="text-decoration: underline\;">P art I: &nbsp\; Connected Cranes Workshop\n 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.&nbsp\;< /strong>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\nThis class is all about the origami crane. Warm up with the classic origami crane\, learn a few fun variations\, and the n try the Rokoan style of connected cranes (multiple cranes folded from a single sheet of paper).\n\nLearn from a master. Mihara is well known fo r her rokoan art pieces\, including rare 3-dimensional designs in cube an d even sphere formations. Her Rokoan art has been exhibited in several mu seums and was included in the popular Folding Paper traveling exhibition\ , which showcased contemporary origami art pieces by renowned internation al artists such as Mihara. She will be bringing several of her art pieces to show at this event.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong><span style="text-decoration: u nderline\;">Part II: &nbsp\; Modular Origami Workshop&nbsp\;</strong>&nbsp \;\n<strong>1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.</strong>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\nGeometry and origami come together in the second session of this workshop. Learn how t o make two different origami units\, which are then interlocked to make b eautiful decorative ornaments. Great for all levels of origami folders.&n bsp\;\n\n<span style="text-decoration: underline\;"><strong>This program w ill include a trunk sale showcasing origami related products from The Pape r Tree shop in San Francisco.</strong>&nbsp\;\n\n<em>Participants are wel come to bring their own lunch and chat with Mihara during the break betwe en the morning and afternoon programs. We may also have an option to orde r lunch from a local restaurant.</em>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\n<em><strong>LINDA T OMOKO MIHARA</strong> has been an origami guest lecturer and teacher at m any events\, but this is her first time speaking about origami fashion. H er pieces are part of several museum collections\, including the Mingei I nternational Museum in San Diego\, California\, and Hangar7 in Salzburg\, Austria. A professional origami artist and designer\, Mihara specializes in origami for TV commercials and international events. Her clients incl ude Mitsubishi Motors\, Chanel\, Hermes\, Visa\, the Washington Post\, Pi xar\, and Disney. She has just completed origami work for a commercial fo r McDonald's\, scheduled to air soon. More information on Mihara\, includ ing examples of her work\, can be found on her website (<a href="https:// t%2Ftn.jsp%3Ff%3D001W28D4_kb42uGKUTdv92Dog0sOsDZR0p47VjeJnjd9ugOMdfQIbdnkB nhet-AWTD4q0eemzl7iiYHn9D-HP1BvoyMhtWL9fk6lPtMnwYG2pXcGCQ98GoA7d6lslac0Om6 V_XJjLyLFfmkGNAjoXjynREzDd3QBGx5gtl-oc6vb3E%3D%26c%3DpyJjQ4pNVz-1gLUvqFq9w hhEqNYI3NIQGMKn9tQhGMT-yU1xqsUx-A%3D%3D%26ch%3DpPLm0unK2auIiSZGEPe6K43d8vk ErQ8gqALDxrdfHSH3apsDpXaTlw%3D%3D" target="_blank"></a>).</ em>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\nMust be 17 or older. Workshop is limited to a maximum of 30 participants (minimum 8 students).&nbsp\; &nbsp\;\n\nCost: $15 class fee for each workshop plus admission to the museum (nonmembers\ , $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and children under 12\, free). <em>A small materials fee may apply. Active volunteers are given a $5 discount off the class fee.</em>&nbsp\;\n\nContact <a href= "\;jsessionid=563FD6422ED58 D752CFBE20DFA12513E-n2.lxa05a?" target="_pare nt"></a>to reserve a spot. DTSTAMP:20240603T000315Z SUMMARY:Origami with Linda Mihara URL:/en/events/2014/09/27/origami-with-linda-mihara/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR