BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150218T000000Z DTEND:20150218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In 2014\, the expectations for a new corporate governance regim e in Japan reached a fever pitch under the Abe administration\, with the u nveiling of the stewardship code for institutional investors\, the enactme nt of &ldquo\;comply or explain&rdquo\; rules for including outside direct ors on public company boards and promises for a broad corporate governance code. Meanwhile\, in the United States\, corporate boards are facing a ne w wave of shareholder activism\, calls for more director-shareholder engag ement and a growing influence of proxy advisory firms. This panel discussi on will address current trends in Japan and U.S. corporate governance\, in cluding: how the recent corporate governance initiatives will affect Japan ese boards\; what ideas Japanese directors can gain from U.S. best practic es\; and what threats U.S. activist shareholders might bring to Japan.\n<s trong>Speakers:\nMichael Davis</strong>\, Partner\, Davis Polk &amp\; Ward well LLP\n<strong>Amane Fujimoto</strong>\, Deputy Director\, Corporate Ac counting and Disclosure Division\, Planning and Coordination Bureau\, Fina ncial Services Agency\n<strong>Curtis J. Milhaupt</strong>\, Parker Profes sor of Comparative Corporate Law\, Fuyo Professor of Japanese Law and Dire ctor of the Center for Japanese Legal Studies\, Columbia University\n<stro ng>Masaki Sekimoto</strong>\, Associate\, Nagashima Ohno &amp\; Tsunematsu NY LLP\n<strong>Moderator:\nHiroshi Sugiyama\,</strong>&nbsp\;Associate\, Davis Polk &amp\; Wardwell LLP\n<strong>AGENDA</strong>\n8:00 - 8:30 am&n bsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Registration &amp\; buffet breakfast&nbsp\;\n8:30 &nda sh\; 10&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbs p\;&nbsp\; Lecture\, Panel Discussion and Q&amp\;A\n<strong>Admission:&nbs p\;\n</strong>This is a free event. However\, you must register in advance in order to confirm your seat for the lecture.&nbsp\;\nSeating is availab le on a first come\, first served basis.\nFor further information or assis tance\, please contact the Corporate Program at 212-715-1208 or email<a hr ef=""></a>. DTSTAMP:20240602T150853Z SUMMARY:Activism\, Independence\, Stewardship—Current Trends in U.S. and Japanese Corporate Governance URL:/en/events/2015/02/18/activism-independence-stewardshipcurrent-trends/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR