BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150515T000000Z DTEND:20150515T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The performance will be followed by a conversation with Kanji Shimizu and Professor Izumi Ashizawa (Stony Brook Department of The atre Arts)</strong>\n\nNoh theater is a vital form of Japanese classical d rama that dates back to the ninth century. Renowned&nbsp\;<em>Noh</em>&nbs p\;master&nbsp\;<strong>Kanji Shimizu</strong>&nbsp\;brings this ancient f orm to life in a strikingly contemporary fashion in this piece based on To mio Tada&rsquo\;s<strong>Virgin Mary of Nagasaki</strong>\, a play that re volves around the atomic bombing of the city. Following the performance\, Shimizu talks about the stylistic and technical aspects of acting in Noh\, such as posture and projection\, and will reflect on the continuing relev ance of this rich form.\n\n<strong>Co-produced by SBU Theatre Arts Departm ent and supported by Professor Izumi Ashizawa&rsquo\;s Presidential Guest Artist Grant.</strong>\n<strong>Tickets:</strong>\nAdmission: $10 (General ) / $5 (Students)\n\n<strong>About the Performer:</strong>\n<strong>Kanji Shimizu</strong>&nbsp\;is a master teacher of Noh at Okinawa City Art Univ ersity in Japan. He is trained in traditional Noh\, yet also explores its experimental possibilities. Shimizu has performed at Lublin Music Festival in Poland\, Kerala State Performance Festival in India and the Japan Soci ety in New York City.\n\n<a href=" erformances/upcoming_performances.html">DETAILS</a>\n DTSTAMP:20240612T043445Z SUMMARY:Japanese Noh Play: Virgin Mary of Nagasaki URL:/en/events/2015/05/15/japanese-noh-play-virgin-mary-of-nagasaki/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR