BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151024T000000Z DTEND:20160131T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A creative repossession of the human rights legacies of Vancouv er's Downtown Eastside (DTES). This multi-layered exhibition looks at the contradictions\, co-optation\, commemoration\, heritage\, and redress that have shaped the DTES\, as unearthed by a three-year Social Sciences and H umanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)- funded research project.\n\n <strong>Programs </strong> (free and open to the public)\n\n<span style="t ext-decoration: underline\;">Saturday\, October 24\, 2-5pm\n\nTalks by Dr. Jeff Masuda &amp\; Dr.Audrey Kobayashi followed by reception.\n\n<span sty le="text-decoration: underline\;">Saturday\, October 31\, 3pm\n\nFilm Scre ening of Right to Remain documentary by Greg Masuda.\n\n<span style="text- decoration: underline\;">Saturday\, November 28\, 2pm\n\nRight to Remain A rtist Team talk and Pie Chats\, in collaboration with the 'Seeing the Whol e Picture' Project. DTSTAMP:20240610T210307Z SUMMARY:Revitalizing Japantown? A Right to Remain Exhibit URL:/en/events/2015/10/24/revitalizing-japantown-a-right-to-remain-exhibit/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR