BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160227T000000Z DTEND:20160227T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Here is a long blurb on LNY that can be edited or used for a pr ess release where applicable:\n\nLunar New Year (LNY)\, also known as Spri ng Festival\, is noted as being the most important holiday in Chinese cult ure\, and is also celebrated in Japanese\, Vietnamese\, Korean\, Mongolian \, and Tibetan cultures.&nbsp\; Since 2005\, the Oakland Asian Cultural Ce nter (OACC) has hosted a free public Lunar New Year Celebration at our ven ue\, located in the heart of Oakland&rsquo\;s Chinatown (easily accessible by public transit and personal vehicle).\n\nOACC's free LNY celebration w ill consist of an array of cultural performances by professional and amate ur performers sharing contemporary works as well as traditional forms\, an d combinations thereof.&nbsp\; The LNY celebration serves as an open house for OACC where we showcase performances\, demonstrations\, and activities by teachers and students of classes at OACC.&nbsp\; These include Mongoli an folk dance\, Chinese folk dance\, Gung Fu\, Qi Gong\, Guzheng (zither) music\, Japanese Taiko drumming\, and Chinese painting and drawing.&nbsp\; We also invite special guest performances\, which have included the renow ned Chhandam Youth Dance Company (classical Indian dance Kathak)\, lion da ncing\, and local Asian and Pacific Islander singer/songwriters.&nbsp\;\n\ nThe event also includes hands-on activities facilitated by artists\, visu al art exhibits\, and tabling opportunities for local non-profit\, social service\, and arts and culture organizations.&nbsp\; Finally\, the event i ncludes a small arts and crafts marketplace and tabling opportunities for individuals and businesses.\n\n<strong><span style="text-decoration: under line\;">Location and Time</strong>\n\nThis free event will be held at OACC \, located in the Pacific Renaissance Plaza (PRP) in Oakland&rsquo\;s Chin atown and downtown Oakland.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;OACC is just 3 blocks away from t he 12<sup>th</sup>&nbsp\;St. BART station and numerous AC Transit bus stop s.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Parking is also available in the attached PRP garage.&nbsp \;&nbsp\;The event will be held Saturday\, February 27<sup>th</sup>&nbsp\; from 11a-3pm.\n\nOACC is supported by the City of Oakland\, City of Oaklan d Cultural Funding Program\, the San Francisco Foundation\, the William an d Flora Hewlett Foundation\, and other generous foundations and individual &nbsp\;donors. DTSTAMP:20240608T020103Z SUMMARY:Lunar New Year Celebration @ Oakland Asian Cultural Center URL:/en/events/2016/02/27/lunar-new-year-celebration-oakland-asian-cultura/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR