BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160328T000000Z DTEND:20160328T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Inaugural Min Yasui Day March for Justice</strong>\nMon day\, March 28\, 2016\, 4:30 p.m.\nStarts at the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Cent er\nProgram and reception at Stoll Berne\, SW 2nd Avenue and Oak Street\, Portland\n\nOn the evening of March 28\, 1942\, a 25-year-old attorney\, M inoru "Min" Yasui\, deliberately violated the racially discriminatory mili tary curfew to initiate a case to test the constitutionality of the curfew upon American citizens. He walked on NW 3rd Avenue in downtown Portland a fter curfew and when he wasn't arrested\, proceeded to police headquarters where he argued for his arrest.\n\nMin spent nine months in solitary conf inement in the Multnomah County jail as he appealed his case to the U.S. S upreme Court. He was released in 1943 only to be sent the Minidoka America n concentration camp. Thereafter\, he spent the rest of his life fighting for civil rights and social justice for all\, never losing faith in the co nstitution or his country. His lifelong fight for justice and equality led to his recognition as the first Oregonian to be awarded (posthumously) th e Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barrack Obama.\n\n<strong>Ple ase join us on Monday\, March 28\, as we retrace Min's historic walk by hi s law office in the Foster Hotel in Old Town\, to the former site of Polic e Headquarters on SW 2nd Avenue and Oak Street.</strong>&nbsp\;Gather at O regon Nikkei Legacy Center at 4:30pm for the short six block walk\, follow ed by a program in the foyer and reception in the law offices of Stoll Ber ne.<a></a>\n\nThis program is presented by the Minoru Yasui Tribute Commit tee and Oregon Nikkei Endowment\, with support from Barry and Jordan Menas he and Stoll Berne. For more information about Minoru Yasui please visit&n bsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">www.mino</a>. DTSTAMP:20240606T055031Z SUMMARY:Min Yasui Day March for Justice URL:/en/events/2016/03/28/min-yasui-day-march-for-justice/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR