BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161111T000000Z DTEND:20161111T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Step into a space where otherworldly sounds abound. Led by<stro ng>&nbsp\;Ko Ishikawa</strong>\, master player of the&nbsp\;<em>sho</em>&n bsp\;(ancient Japanese mouth organ) and internationally active contemporar y musician\, this program offers selections spanning from medieval<em>gaga ku</em>&nbsp\;(Imperial Court music) to works by acclaimed music composer& nbsp\;<strong>Mamoru Fujieda</strong>. The program features Fujieda's late st piece&nbsp\;<em>Voices of the Spirits</em>\, which incorporates the sou nds of fermenting&nbsp\;<em>shochu&nbsp\;</em>(Japan&rsquo\;s distilled al cohol)\, a highly sacred beverage in Japanese mythology. Ishikawa will be joined by&nbsp\;<strong>Kayoko Nakagawa</strong>&nbsp\;on koto and&nbsp\;< strong>Ami Yamasaki</strong>&nbsp\;on voice for this musical soiree.\n<str ong>Tickets</strong>: $25 /$20 Japan Society&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.jap">members</a>. General Admission.\nCa sh bar. Come early and explore Japan Society's fall exhibition&nbsp\;<a hr ef=" ilight"><strong><em>Simon Starling:&nbsp\;At Twilight</em></strong></a>\, which is open and free from 6&mdash\;8 PM\, this evening.\nhttp://www.japa DTSTAMP:20240602T100136Z SUMMARY:Sounds to Summon the Japanese Gods URL:/en/events/2016/11/11/sounds-to-summon-the-japanese-gods/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR