BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161030T000000Z DTEND:20161030T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On Halloween Eve\, enter a mystical sacred forest filled with t he frights and delights of Japan's ghosts and mythical creatures. Experien ce the richness of Japan's fall festivals and the thrills of a Halloween t hrough an adventure of family friendly fun and learning!\nActivities inclu de:&nbsp\;\n<ul><li><em>Tsukumo-gami</em>* haunted house</li><li><em>Tsuku mo-gami</em>&nbsp\;storytelling</li><li>Omamori good luck charm and mini&n bsp\;<em>kokeshi</em>&nbsp\;doll making</li><li>Noh inspired mask making</ li><li>Taiko drumming demo and mini workshop</li><li>Twilight treasure hun t</li><li><em>Tsukumo-gami</em>* yo-yo balloon fishing</li><li>Spooky cost ume contest with a chance to win a prize</li></ul>\n\n<em>Tsukumo-gami</em >&nbsp\;are everyday objects that\, after over a hundred years of use\, be come haunted\, animate versions of their original selves.&nbsp\;\n<strong> \nADVANCE&nbsp\;TICKETS</strong>: Adults $15/$12 Japan Society&nbsp\;<a hr ef="">members&nbsp\;</a >\; Kids (ages 3&mdash\;12) $10/$7&nbsp\;\n<strong>DAY-OF TICKETS</strong> :&nbsp\;Adults $18/$15 Japan&nbsp\;Society&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.japan">members&nbsp\;</a>\; Kids (ages 3&mda sh\;12) $13/$10\nRecommended for ages 3 and up with parental supervision ( some activities are scary). Healthy Japanese light meals\, snacks and fest ival-related refreshments available for purchase by BentOn.\nTicket Availa ble at:buy online or call the box office 212-715-1258\nhttp://www.japansoc\n\n DTSTAMP:20240601T082045Z SUMMARY:Obake Family Day: Specters of the Sacred Forest URL:/en/events/2016/10/30/obake-family-day-specters-of-the-sacred-forest/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR