BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180915T000000Z DTEND:20180915T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In conjunction with the opening of&nbsp\;<em>Kaiju vs. Heroes</ em>\, toy designer and collector Mark Nagata and Marusan toy company Presi dent Eiji Kaminaga will participate in a discussion about&nbsp\;<em>kaiju< /em>&nbsp\;toy history\, the world of Japanese toy collecting\, and their companies&rsquo\; histories (Nagata is the founder of Max Toy Company). Th e Marusan toy company created some of the first vinyl&nbsp\;<em>kaiju</em> &nbsp\;and hero toys of the 1960s and these toys make up a significant par t of Nagata&rsquo\;s collection.\n\nThe conversation will be moderated by Brad Warner\, who worked for 15 years at Tsuburaya Productions\, the maker s of the&nbsp\;<em>Ultraman</em>&nbsp\;television shows. Warner is now an author and teacher of Zen Buddhism.\n\nFollowing the discussion\, Mark Nag ata will sign copies of&nbsp\;<em>Toy Karma</em>\, an accompanying book by and about Nagata\, as well as a 13" x 19" print (10" x 17" image size) fe aturing a&nbsp\;<em>kaiju</em>&nbsp\;and hero image by toy photographer Br ian McCarty\, who will also be signing the print. The book is $24.95 and t he print is $50. Both can be purchased the day of the event.\n\nIncluded w ith&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">m useum admission</a>. RSVPs are recommended using the link below.\n\n<a hre f="\;txobjid=fda 4eeb2-5a2f-4c52-9822-49064edaf0c9" target="_blank">RSVP NOW &gt\;&gt\;</a> \n<em><span style="font-size: x-small\;">In the George &amp\; Sakaye Arata ni Central Hall</em>\n<em><span style="font-size: x-small\;">\n</em>\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href=" ts/kaiju-vs-heroes/"><em>Kaiju vs Heroes: Mark Nagata's Journey through th e World of Japanese Toys</em></a>\n\nCheck <a href=" ents/#15" target="_blank"></a> for updates.\n<em></em>\n<strong></ strong><em></em><em></em><em></em>\n<strong></strong><em></em><strong></st rong><em></em> DTSTAMP:20240608T001252Z SUMMARY:"Kaiju vs Heroes" Opening Day Panel and Signing URL:/en/events/2018/09/15/kaiju-vs-heroes-opening-day-panel-and-signing/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR