BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181115T000000Z DTEND:20181115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>HistoryLink and Artifacts Consulting&nbsp\;</strong>are proud to present the&nbsp\;<strong>Pierce County:</strong><strong>Writing Our History&nbsp\;</strong>speaker series on the third Thursdays of Septe mber\, October\, and November.&nbsp\;\n\nOn&nbsp\;<strong>September 20</st rong>\, Michael Sullivan and Amber Brock will present\, &ldquo\;VISUALIZE TACOMA:The Pierce County Courthouse in Images &amp\; Short Stories&rdquo\; at the Frederick Heath-designed Pythian Temple (924 Broadway) that was bu ilt in 1906.&nbsp\;\n\nTamiko Nimura and Justin Wadland will present\,&nbs p\;&ldquo\;Stories&nbsp\;of Resilience\, Sangha\, &amp\; Kendo:A Brief His tory of the Tacoma Buddhist Temple&rdquo\; at the Tacoma Buddhist Temple ( 1717 S. Fawcett Avenue)\, built in 1931\,on&nbsp\;<strong>October 18<sup>t h</sup></strong>.&nbsp\;\n\nThe third program in the series will be on&nbs p\;<strong>November 15<sup>th</sup></strong>\, when Ed Echtle will tell\, &ldquo\;The Steilacoom Story\,&rdquo\; at the Tacoma Armory (715 S. 11th S treet). This last event will be held in the Roosevelt Room\, at the south end of the 1908 armory that has been used for military training and a temp orary jail\, and as event space. It has recently been restored to its form er glory by owner Fred Roberson.\n DTSTAMP:20240608T173144Z SUMMARY:Writing Our History: Pierce County Speaker Series URL:/en/events/2018/11/15/writing-our-history-pierce-county-speaker-series/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR