BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190518T000000Z DTEND:20190519T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Saturday&ndash\;Sunday\, May 18&ndash\;19\n11 a.m.&ndas h\;4 p.m.</strong>\n<em>Washi</em>&nbsp\;is a traditional Japanese handmad e decorative paper that dates back to the seventh century. Unlike machine- made paper from wood pulp\,&nbsp\;<em>washi</em>&nbsp\;is made from the in ner bark of plants such as mulberry\, bamboo\, and wisteria\, and hemp. Th e intertwining of fibers results in a paper that is strong\, durable\, was hable\, and acid-free. Its thin\, smooth\, soft surface can be printed wit h vivid colors and complex designs.\n\nIn this workshop led by Reiko Nakan o\, make your own long lariat necklace with irregular shaped wooden beads\ , commercially made adornments\, and bronze filigree connectors. The secon d project will be matching earrings.\n\nPlease bring your own beading boar d and jewelry-making tools\, if possible. If not\, all materials are suppl ied. Also bring a snack\, and a desire to learn. $64 members\, $80 non-mem bers\, plus $25 materials fee due to the instructor at the beginning of cl ass (cash only).&nbsp\;<a href="" targ et="_blank">Museum admission</a> included. Limited to 12 participants.\n\n <a href="\;txobj id=5f5c2fbb-ed35-4a8f-baee-8d0b3552da1d" target="_blank">TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n<em><span style="color: #333333\; font-family: Arial\ ;">In the Nancy K. Araki Community Education Center</em><strong></strong>< em></em>\n\nCheck <a href="" target= "_blank"></a> for updates.\n\n<strong></strong><em></em><a href="h ttps://\;txobjid=5f5c2fb b-ed35-4a8f-baee-8d0b3552da1d" target="_blank"></a><strong></strong><em></ em> DTSTAMP:20240602T070316Z SUMMARY:Two-Day Jewelry Workshop: The Wonderful World of Washi URL:/en/events/2019/05/18/two-day-jewelry-workshop-the-wonderful-world-of-w / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR