BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190629T000000Z DTEND:20190629T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A free screening of the short documentaries\, <strong>"Our Isla nd's Treasure"</strong> and <strong>"Himeyuri\,"</strong> will be held on June 29 (Saturday)\, 2 p.m.\, in Torrance\, California.\n\nThis educationa l event is part of a coordinated effort by the Global Uchinaanchu Alliance (GUA) in observance of&nbsp\;<em>Irei no Hi</em>&nbsp\;(Battle of Okinawa Remembrance) and to raise awareness about the forced construction of a U. S. Marine Corps base in Okinawa\, which disproportionately hosts 70% of U. S. military bases in all of Japan. Screenings are also being held in Hawai &lsquo\;i and various cities in the continental U.S.\n\n<strong>"Our Islan d's Treasure" 「私達の島の宝」</strong> is a 30-minute short film produced by Kaiya Yonamine\, a high school student in Portland\, Oregon. D uring a short trip to her mother's home island\, the 17-year-old filmmaker was able to interview elders who are heavily involved with the struggle\, students who want to make a difference\, and Okinawa Governor Denny Tamak i\, who strongly opposes the military construction. Yonamine also includes questions from her fellow classmates\, resulting with the interviewees di rectly addressing U.S. citizens who view the film.\n\nYonamine's documenta ry will be preceded by a short film about World War II's Battle of Okinawa \, <strong>"Himeyuri" 「ひめゆり」</strong>. Produced by the Himeyur i Peace Foundation with illustrations by Ken Kaizu\, the 30-minute film us es paintings\, narration\, and sound effects to recount the harrowing expe riences of 222 high school students and 18 teachers who were forced to wor k as nurses during the war.\n\nThe event will also include a post-screenin g discussion and a spoken word and sanshin (a traditional Okinawan instrum ent) performance by Sho and Joseph Kamiya.\n\nReservation is requested due to limited space. Please visit&nbsp\;<a style="text-decoration-line: unde rline\;" href="" target="_blank"> oflifetorrance</a>&nbsp\;or email&nbsp\;<a style="text-decoration-line: un derline\;" href="" target="_blank">shik</a>. The screening will take place at&nbsp\;2706 W. 182nd St.\, Torrance (Fruit of the Spirit Lutheran Church\; this is a n on-religious event). The parking lot and entrance are located in the rear. \n\nFor more information and suggested actions\, please visit&nbsp\;<a sty le="text-decoration-line: underline\;" href="" ta rget="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<a style="text-decorat ion-line: underline\;" href="" target="_blank">uchin</a>. If you are unable to attend this free screening\, "Our Isla nd's Treasure" is available to view and share online:&nbsp\;<span style="t ext-decoration: underline\;"><a href="" ta rget="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240603T000219Z SUMMARY:Our Island's Treasure - Documentary About U.S. Military Presence in Okinawa (Free Screening) URL:/en/events/2019/06/29/our-islands-treasure-documentary-about-us-mil/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR