BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190629T000000Z DTEND:20190630T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Buddhist Church of Lodi will be celebrating Obon Festival with plenty of great food\, a Taiko performance\, craft sales\, and Bon Odori. This is an annual Japanese festival commemorating one's ancestors.&nbsp\;\ n\nBuddhist Church of Lodi will observe Obon with services\, Bon Odori (da ncing)\, and a bazaar-carnival at the annual Obon Festival during the week end. In Japan\, Obon evovled from the religious custon of honoring the dec eased with memorial services. During this time\, comparable holidays are o bserved throughout the Buddhist world. A special English service will be h eld with special guest speakers. Hatsubon Service will be held in memory o f those that have passed away since their last Obon.&nbsp\;\n\nObon/ Bazaa r Carnival Description: This event will feature many games for the young a nd old. This year's raffle will offer many prizes\, including the grand pr ize. They will have handicrafts and farm fresh produce at bargain prices. Delicious Japanese food like beef and chicken teriyaki\, sushi\, udon (Jap anese noodles)\, won ton\, chow mein\, corn\, teri burgers\, oriental chic ken salad\, Okinawa Dango (donuts)\, Imagawayaki (Sweet bean dessert)\, od en\, soft drinks\, snow cones and other treats will be available.&nbsp\;\n \n**Schedule for 6/29**\n\nFood sale noon-7PM\; tempura starting at 3:00pm \n\n1:00pm-8:00pm Bingo (Air-conditioned eating area and bingo downstairs) \n\n1:00pm-7:00pm Children's Games\n\n1:00pm-7:00pm Farmer's Market\n\nEnt ertainment inside JACL Hall Schedule&nbsp\;\n\n2:00pm-2:45pm Strumingos\n\ n2:45pm-3:00pm Mataro Dolls Display\n\n3:00pm-3:30pm Minyo (Japanese Folk Dances)\n\n3:30pm-4:15pm Auntie Amy's Hula Dancers\n\n4:15pm-4:30pm Odori (Japanese Classical Dance)\n\n**Schedule for 6/30**\n\nFood Sale 12 noon t o 6 p.m.\, Tempura starting at 3:00\n1:00 - 5:00 Children&rsquo\;s Games\n 1:00 - 5:00 Farmers&rsquo\; Market\n1:00 - 7:00 Bingo\n6:00 - 6:30 Stockto n Bukkyo Taiko\n7:00 - 9:00 Obon Odor\n\n<strong>Saturday\, June 29th</str ong> hours: 12:00pm-8:00pm\n\n<strong>Sunday\, June 30th</strong> hours: 1 2:00pm-9:00pm DTSTAMP:20240603T174839Z SUMMARY:Buddhist Church of Lodi Annual Obon Bazaar/Bon Odori URL:/en/events/2019/06/29/buddhist-church-of-lodi-annual-obon-bazaarbon-odo / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR