BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191121T000000Z DTEND:20191121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Spicy\, earthy\, and a little sweet\,&nbsp\;<em>shichimi togara shi</em>&nbsp\;is a common spice mixture that will add flavor to a wide va riety of dishes. This versatile seasoning gained popularity in the Edo per iod for its medicinal properties\, but quickly became a staple in Japanese cuisine. Though found all over Japan\,&nbsp\;<em>shichimi</em>'s flavor p rofile varies from region to region. At this workshop\,&nbsp\;<strong>Yuki Muroga</strong>&nbsp\;from&nbsp\;<strong>Yawataya Isogoro</strong>&nbsp\; in Nagano will explain the history\, preparation and variety of&nbsp\;<em> shichimi</em>\, and participants will measure and mix their own unique&nbs p\;<em>shichimi</em>&nbsp\;blend using authentic and high quality ingredie nts.\n<em>All materials included.</em> DTSTAMP:20240604T171844Z SUMMARY:Shichimi Making: Spice of Japan URL:/en/events/2019/11/21/shichimi-making-spice-of-japan/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR