BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200927T000000Z DTEND:20200927T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Liva via Zoom video software/app\nPLEASE REGISTER HERE: </strong>\n<strong><a href="" target="_blan k"></a></strong>\n<em>(We will send the Zoo m presentation link to you)\n\n</em><strong>Zoom</strong><strong>のソフ トウェア/アプリケーションで\n</strong><a style="font-weight : bold\;" href="" target="_blank">予約し てください\n\n</a>\n\nThe Okinawa Association of America (OAA) in Gar dena\, California is a cultural organization that was founded by immigrant s and finds strength in inclusivity and our diverse membership. In June\, we published a statement expressing solidarity with marginalized communiti es against racism and injustice. We pledged to do what we can to address d iscrimination within our own communities and to create platforms for voice s that are too often excluded. Our new online series\, "Afro-Okinawan Dial ogues\," will be the first step.\n\n"Afro-Okinawan Dialogues" is being org anized by a group of young Okinawans who have been active in the OAA and w e look forward to the much-needed discussions that will be had. These will be safe\, supportive community spaces for sharing and listening\, so we a sk audience members to please be considerate and compassionate.\n<strong>\ nABOUT THE AFRO-OKINAWAN DIALOGUES SERIES:</strong>\nHosted by the Okinawa Association of America\, this interactive discussion series will provide a platform to yuntaku (talk story) in a space that centers Black/African d escended peoples and their experiences within the Okinawan community. Ackn owledging that Japan\, Okinawa and the United States each have their own u nique forms of anti-Black racism\, we hope that these dialogues will provi de a space to challenge stereotypes and diversify our understanding of Bla ckness in Okinawa and the Okinawan diaspora. Each dialogue will be discuss ion based and feature a Q&amp\;A with artists\, activists\, academics and community members whose work exists at the intersections of Black and Okin awan community issues. Potential topics discussed may include understandin g mixed race politics\, dismantling anti-Black racism and celebrating Blac k/Okinawan art forms. DTSTAMP:20240605T183122Z SUMMARY:[VIRTUAL] Afro-Okinawan Dialogues\, Part 1 (Presentation on Black-O kinawan Identity) URL:/en/events/2020/09/27/virtual-afro-okinawan-dialogues-part-1-present/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR