BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210528T000000Z DTEND:20210528T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>THIS IS A VIRTUAL EVENT (U.S. PACIFIC TIME)</strong>\n< strong> </strong>\n<strong></strong>Following the screening of&nbsp\;<em>F ukushima Speaks&nbsp\;</em>on the previous day\, May 27\, the panel will d iscuss the current situations of Fukushima and nuclear disaster victims.\n \n<a href=" ">\n</a><a href=" cwKTSw" target="_blank"><strong>REGISTER HERE\n</strong></a>\n<a href="htt ps://" target="_bla nk"><strong> </strong></a>\n<a href=" /WN_PTVrpF2BQeqaL1N0cwKTSw" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a><span sty le="font-weight: bold\;">Panelists\n\n<span style="font-weight: bold\;"><s trong>Toshikuni Doi\, Director</strong>\n\nToshikuni DOI is an independent journalist. He was born in Saga Prefecture\, Japan in 1953. Since 1985\, he has provided on-site reporting from Palestine and Israel. In April 2009 \, he completed a four-part documentary movie series &ldquo\;Unheard Voice s." The fourth part of that series\, "Breaking the Silence\," was shown in theaters throughout Japan. For his work\, Toshikuni DOI was presented wit h the Waseda Journalism Award in Memory of Ishibashi Tanzan and took first place in the Kinema-Junposha Cultural Film Division. "Life on Foreign Lan d" and "Fukushima Speaks" were presented the awards of documentary film by Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japanese government.\n\nHis chief publicat ions include "Peace Accords" &amp\; Palestine (Asahi Sensho)\, Jews in Ame rica\, Palestinian Voice\, Israeli Voices\, and Breaking the Silence (all released by Iwanami Shoten).\n\n<span style="font-weight: bold\;">Norma Fi eld\, Professor\, University of Chicago\n\nNorma Field was born to a Japan ese mother and an American father during the occupation of Japan after WWI I. She is the Robert S. Ingersoll Distinguished Service Professor in Japan ese studies in the East Asian languages and civilizations department&nbsp\ ;at the University of Chicago. She is the author of&nbsp\;The Splendor of Longing in the&nbsp\;Tale of Genji&nbsp\;and the translator of&nbsp\;And T hen&nbsp\;by Natsume Sōseki.\n\n<span style="font-weight: bold\;">Hirotak a Kasai\, Professor\, Tsuda College\n\nHirotaka Kasai is Professor of Poli tical Thought at Tsuda College in Tokyo\, Japan. He has published articles and book chapters on Maruyama Masao and radical democracy in&nbsp\;Gendai Shiso&nbsp\;and others.\n\n<span style="font-weight: bold\;">Hisako Sakiy ama\n\nHisako Sakiyama has a PhD in Medicine and is a Member of the Takagi School of Alternative Scientists\, a Japanese NGO established in 1998 to study the environment\, nuclear issues\, human rights\, and other issues i n modern society from the perspective of citizens. The School seeks to cre ate ways that scientists and prospective scientists can link their special ized expertise and capabilities with citizen movements. She has been a Res earch Associate at MIT and worked on cancer cell biology as Former Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) in Ja pan. Sakiyama served as a member of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Indepen dent Investigation Commission (NAIIC)\, a commission established by the Ja panese Diet in 2011. She subsequently co-established the&nbsp\;3.11 Fund f or Children with Thyroid Cancer&nbsp\;with Ruiko Muto in 2016. As a former member of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigative Commis sion\, Dr Sakiyama continues to be active in sharing her findings\, which often contradict those of the Japanese government and its associated scien tists&rsquo\; in terms of their&nbsp\;evaluation of the health effects of the nuclear disaster\, with media and citizens around the world (K.H.).\n\ nCo-sponsored by the Luskin Center for History and Policy and UCLA Asia-Pa cific Center.\n\nPromotional Partner: JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles\n\nSponsor(s ): Asia Pacific Center DTSTAMP:20240605T050732Z SUMMARY:Global Japan Forum | FUKUSHIMA SPEAKS: Panel Discussion URL:/en/events/2021/05/28/global-japan-forum-fukushima-speaks-panel-discu/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR