BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220326T000000Z DTEND:20220326T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE for Members</strong >\n\nAll members are invited to this exclusive conversation and Q&amp\;A w ith award winning authors <strong>Naomi Hirahara</strong> and <strong>S arah Kuhn</strong>.\n\nNaomi Hirahara is an Edgar Award-winning author of multiple traditional mystery series and noir short stories. Her Mas Arai m ysteries\, which have been published in Japanese\, Korean and French\, fea ture a Los Angeles gardener and Hiroshima survivor who solves crimes. The seventh and final Mas Arai mystery is <em>Hiroshima Boy</em>\, which was nominated for an Edgar Award for best paperback original. Her first histor ical mystery is <em>Clark and Division</em>\, which follows a Japanese Am erican family’s move to Chicago in 1944 after being released from a Cali fornia wartime detention center. Her second Leilani Santiago Hawai‘i mys tery\, An Eternal Lei\, will be released in March 2022. A former journalis t with <em>The Rafu Shimpo</em> newspaper\, Naomi has also written numer ous non-fiction history books and curated exhibitions. She has also writte n a middle-grade novel\, <em>1001 Cranes</em>.\n\nSarah Kuhn is the autho r of the popular <em>Heroine Complex</em> novels—a series starring Asi an American superheroines. The first book is a Locus bestseller\, an RT Re viewers’ Choice Award nominee\, and one of the Barnes &amp\; Noble Sci-F i &amp\; Fantasy Blog’s Best Books of 2016. Her YA debut\, the beloved J apan-set romantic comedy <em>I Love You So Moch</em>i\, is a Junior Libra ry Guild selection and a nominee for YALSA’s Best Fiction for Young Adul ts. She has also penned a variety of short fiction and comics\, including the critically acclaimed graphic novel <em>Shadow of the Batgirl</em> fo r DC Comics and the Star Wars audiobook original Doctor Aphra. Her newest novel\, <em>From Little Tokyo\, With Love</em>—a modern fairy tale with a half-Japanese heroine—was released in May 2021. Additionally\, she wa s a finalist for both the CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainme nt) New Writers Award and the Astounding Award for Best New Writer. A thir d generation Japanese American\, she lives in Los Angeles with her husband and an overflowing closet of vintage treasures.\n\n<em>An Eternal Lei</em > and <em>From Little Tokyo\, With Love</em> will be available in <a h ref="">the JANM Store</a> starting March 22nd. Sign ed copies will be available.\n\nThis program is FREE for all members\, but RSVPs are required in advance at the link below\, by email to memberevent\, or phone at 213.830.5646. Space is limited so RSVP today!\n\n Not a current member? <a href=" eneral-Memberships">Join or renew today</a>!\n\nJoin us for the book discu ssion after the meet-and-greet at<a href=" -03-26/author-discussion-writing-heroes-naomi-hirahara-sarah-kuhn"> 2:00 pm (PDT)</a>.\n\n<a href=" tab=2&amp\;txobjid=7376213b-fb59-4ae3-a9f0-6922391fc772">RVSP FOR IN PERSO N</a>     <a href=" =2&amp\;txobjid=993a1236-c401-496e-8acc-5475590c99d3">RSVP FOR VIRTUAL</a> \n DTSTAMP:20240607T231855Z SUMMARY:Members Only Meet-and-Greet: Naomi Hirahara &amp\; Sarah Kuhn URL:/en/events/2022/03/26/members-only-meet-and-greet-naomi-hirahara-sara/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR