BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220325T000000Z DTEND:20220325T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Free</strong>\n\n<strong><a href="http://9644p.blackbau\;txobjid=f5673ce4-49b6-41bd-9b65-bb66 14740dbf">RSVP FOR IN PERSON </a>    <a href="http://9644p.blackbaudho\;txobjid=0b1240b7-18ed-4e48-bb57-20b9152 91e4f">RSVP FOR VIRTUAL</a></strong>\n\nJoin us in a celebration of author  <strong>Karen Tei Yamashita</strong>\, UC Santa Cruz emerita professor o f literature\, who was recently awarded the 2021 Medal for Distinguished C ontribution to American Letters from The National Book Foundation\, presen ter of the National Book Awards. Yamashita will discuss her work and writi ngs\, followed by an audience Q&amp\;A moderated by <strong>Jasmine Alind er</strong>\, UCSC Dean of the Humanities. She will be introduced by <st rong>Alice Yang</strong>\, UCSC Associate Professor of History.\n\nKaren T ei Yamashita was born in Oakland\, California\; her parents were both surv ivors of incarceration at the Topaz internment camp during World War II. Y amashita is the author of eight books traversing short story\, memoir\, an d novel – all published by Coffee House Press – including: <em>Throug h the Arc of the Rain Forest</em>\, <em>Brazil-Maru</em>\, <em>Tropic of Orange</em>\, <em>Circle K Cycles</em>\,<em> Anime Wong</em>\, and <em >I Hotel</em>\, which was a finalist for the National Book Award\, the Ame rican Book Award\, the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association Award \, and the Association for Asian American Studies Book Award. Her most rec ent publication\, <em>Sansei and Sensibility</em> (2020)\, is a collecti on of buoyant and inventive stories where Yamashita transfers classic tale s across boundaries and questions what an inheritance – familial\, cultu ral\, emotional\, artistic – really means.\n\nIn 2021\, Yamashita was aw arded a Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Contribution to Ameri can Letters from the National Book Foundation. In the judges citation\, Da vid Steinberger\, Chair of the Board of Directors\, observed\, “In her v arious roles as a public intellectual—author\, lecturer\, teacher\, ment or—Yamashita models a deep desire to understand and to embrace life as s he finds it. Her body of work has been credited with transforming the appr oach toward Asian American literary and cultural studies from one that is U.S.-centric to one that is hemispheric and transnational. In prose brimmi ng with electric narrative energy\, she employs humor\, politics\, sardoni c wit\, and lush polyvocality to invite readers into her nuanced but acces sible literary worlds\; her writing evinces a breathtaking capacity to tra nsform conventions in genre\, voice\, intertextuality\, and characterizati on.”\n\nYamashita is the recipient of the John Dos Passos Prize for Lite rature\, and a U.S. Artists’ Ford Foundation Fellowship. Her awards incl ude the California Book Award\, Asian/Pacific American Librarians Associat ion Award\, and multiple Association for Asian American Studies Book Award s.\n\nYamashita was awarded a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship to travel to Sã o Paulo for research on the extensive history of Japanese immigration to B razil where she remained for a decade. While there\, Yamashita formed a st udy of Japanese Brazilian agricultural life\, conducting interviews with J apanese immigrants\, their descendants\, and members of a commune. On her return to Los Angeles in 1984\, Yamashita worked on translations and scree nplays\, and produced dramatic works such as <em>Hannah Kusoh: An America n Butoh</em>\, <em>Tokyo Carmen vs. L.A. Carmen</em>\, and <em>Noh Bozos </em>\, which she has linked to the content and style of her novel <em>Tr opic of Orange</em>.\n\nShe is currently professor emerita of literature a nd creative writing at the University of California\, Santa Cruz.\n DTSTAMP:20240608T233807Z SUMMARY:The Art of Museum and Memory with Karen Tei Yamashita URL:/en/events/2022/03/25/the-art-of-museum-and-memory-with-karen-tei-yamas h/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR