BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220423T000000Z DTEND:20220423T000000Z DESCRIPTION:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE\n\nContact: Dr. Gail Okawa\n\nEmail:  g\n\nOn April 20\, 2002\, the City of Santa Fe and the Sant a Fe Internment Camp (SFIC) Historical Marker Committee dedicated the SFIC Historical Marker on a hill at Frank S. Ortiz Park.  It was a peaceful resolution to a heated community controversy twenty years ago.\n\nThe Sant a Fe Internment Camp\, established in March 1942\, had incarcerated over 4 \,500 Japanese immigrant men\, making it one of America’s largest prison camps for resident aliens in the U.S. during WWII.  Secrecy and misinfo rmation in wartime\, which caused confusion and discord fifty years later\ , made the 2002 dedication a historic and healing event.  \n\nOn Saturda y\, April 23\, 2022\, a day-long symposium will be held at the New Mexico History Museum from 10-4:30 to inform and remind attendees of the historic al existence of the U.S. Justice Department internment camp on the site of the present Casa Solana neighborhood\, and to memorialize the experience of thousands of Japanese immigrants and American-born citizens unjustly in carcerated there between 1942 and 1946.\n\nEqually important\, it will cel ebrate the courage of the Santa Fe and New Mexico communities for acknowle dging the WWII internment in their history through the Marker and their sc hool curriculum. At the dedication ceremony in 2002\, Dr. Thomas Chávez\, then director of the Palace of the Governors and a committee co-chair\, s tated\, “We are here not to celebrate an event about which none of us is proud\; we are here to commemorate an event that happened\; it is our his tory.”  \n\nThe program\, “Stories\, Memories\, and Legacies—The S anta Fe Internment Camp and Its Historical Marker\,” will include speake rs\, readers theater performances\, films and panel discussions on the Mar ker controversy\, as well as connections between the historical events and contemporary issues.\n\nA pilgrimage will follow the symposium for attend ees at the Marker site at Ortiz Park with a procession\, prayers\, and dru mming performances by a Santa Fe taiko group.\n\nIn addition\, History Mus eum visitors can view three related exhibits in Room 15 of the Palace of t he Governors from April 9-30 during Museum hours: “Generational Legacies :  The Santa Fe Internment Camp\,” which focuses on the lives of two S FIC internees\, a guard and their descendants\, including local Santa Fe a rtist Jerry West\; panels on the SFIC from Confinement in the Land of Ench antment\, a National Parks Service project\; and a display of SFIC artifac ts from the History Museum’s collection.\n\n<a href="https://621d6b5ca8f" target="_blank">For more information &gt\;&gt\;</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T064613Z SUMMARY:Stories\, Memories\, and Legacies—The Santa Fe Internment Camp an d Its Historical Marker URL:/en/events/2022/04/23/stories-memories-and-legaciesthe-santa-fe-inter/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR