BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20231126T000000Z DTEND:20231126T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Included in price of admission (General $16\, Students/Seniors $9\, Members FREE)\n\n<a href=" kets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=dd39d57d-d8bc-4040-9a59-7c2ba0831cb2">TICKETS</a>\ n\nJoin <strong>Dr. ShiPu Wang</strong> \, curator of <a href="/exhibits/p ictures-of-belonging"><em><strong>Pictures of Belonging: Miki Hayakawa\, H isako Hibi\, and Miné Okubo</strong> </em> </a> \; the Coats Family Chair in the Arts and Professor of Art History at the University of California\ , Merced\; and commissioner of the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery f or the launch of the new catalog\, which accompanies the forthcoming natio nally touring exhibition organized by JANM.\n\nThe exhibition and catalog reveal a broader picture of the American experience by presenting artworks and life stories of three trailblazing Japanese American women of the pre –World War II generation that will be in dialogue with each other for t he first time. Spanning eight decades with seventy paintings and drawings and four sketchbooks by Miki Hayakawa\, Hisako Hibi\, and Miné Okubo\, th e exhibition reveals the range and depth of these artists’ oeuvres and c onnections that have not been explored previously.\n\nThe JANM Book Club i s a series of Public Programs that highlights new publications by Japanese Americans or related to Japanese American history and culture.\n\nSunday\ , November 26 is <a href="">Museum Store Sun day</a> ! Visit the JANM Store in person or online that day for special de als and opportunities! DTSTAMP:20240608T084040Z SUMMARY:JANM Book Club: Pictures of Belonging with ShiPu Wang URL:/en/events/2023/11/26/janm-book-club-pictures-of-belonging-with-shipu-w / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR