BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20051208T000000Z DTEND:20051208T000000Z DESCRIPTION:One hundred years ago\, something happened in Little Tokyo that has changed the world.\n\nPlease come to a preview reception for the Azus a Street Centennial:\n\n<b>"Little Tokyo’s Azusa Street Mission -- Influ ence to the World"</b>\n\nThursday\, December 8\, 2005 -- 4:30-6:30pm\nJap anese American Cultural and Community Center\n244 South San Pedro Street\n Los Angeles\, CA 90012\n\n<!--break-->\nPresentations:\n\n<b>"The Azusa St reet in Little Tokyo"\nBill Watanabe\, Executive Director\, Little Tokyo S ervice Center</b>\nChairman\, Azusa Street Memorial Committee\n\n<b>"Influ ence of Azusa Street Mission to the World"\nCecil M. Robeck\, Jr. Ph.D.\, Author\, <i>The Azusa Street Mission & Revival: The Birth of the Global P entecostal Movement</i></b>\nProfessor of Church History and Ecumenics\nDi rector of the David du Plesis Center for Christian Spirituality\nFuller Th eological Seminary\n\n<b>"The Azusa Street Centennial Celebration"\nBilly Wilson\, Centennial Executive Director\, Azusa Street Centennial\, April 2 5-29\, 2006\, Los Angeles</b>\nCenter for Spiritual Renewal\n\n<b>"SpiritW alk: Little Tokyo Cultural Tourism Project"\nMark Smith\, Executive Direct or\, Azusa Street SpiritWalk Project</b>\nAzusa Street Memorial Committee\ n\nFor information: Please call Jennifer Kim at 213.473.1687\n DTSTAMP:20240609T194152Z SUMMARY:Azusa Street Centennial Reception -- December 8\, 2005 (Los Angeles ) URL:/en/events/2005/12/08/azusa-street-centennial-reception----december-8-2 0/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR