Stuff contributed by Henrique

What “Made in Japan” Means to Me

Henrique Minatogawa

When I was a kid growing up in the 1980s, one of the most desired objects was the Sony Walkman. Particularly a blue one that was made in Japan. By that time, Japanese products had a good reputation in Brazil; watches, cameras, TVs, or audio equipment manufactured in Japan were …

Japan vs. Brazil?

Henrique Minatogawa

In August 2016, Rio de Janeiro will host the Summer Olympic Games. As the athletes prepare to compete, I prepare to once more answer the question: “Will you support Brazil or Japan?”

An Endangered Custom

Henrique Minatogawa

I am a Sansei Nikkei, 35 years old, born and raised in São Paulo. During childhood and adolescence, I did not have much contact with the larger Nikkei community; I associated only with relatives and some friends. I did not attend Nikkei events, eat in Japanese restaurants, or study Japanese—three …

Celebrations of the End and Beginning of the Year in the Brazilian Nikkei Community

Henrique Minatogawa

From mid-November until just before Christmas, gatherings to celebrate the end of the year take place in Brazil. In general, corporate parties take place earlier; then, the associations and clubs; while friends and family’s are closer to Christmas and New Year, when most people are already on vacation.

How Brazilian Nikkei Play Japanese Video Games

Henrique Minatogawa

The video game is an American invention, attributed to the German-born American engineer Ralph Baer (1922-2014). The Odyssey, considered the first console in history, was commercially launched in 1972. The novelty became extremely popular in the United States, especially with the leadership of Atari.

Japanese Barber Shop in São Paulo

Henrique Minatogawa

When a Nikkei gets a haircut in Brazil, they often hear that “cutting Oriental people’s hair is difficult.” The reason given is that the strands are very smooth, sometimes too thin, sometimes too thick. Thus, it would be difficult to make different hairstyles, and the cuts show errors more easily.

Festival do Japão (Japan Festival)

Henrique Minatogawa

Festival do Japão (Japan Festival) is one of the main events of the Nikkei community in Brazil, especially regarding physical space, attractions, and number of visitors. In 2015, it reached its 18th edition.

Kawaii Ambassador of Brazil

Henrique Minatogawa

A Comic Book Artist In Brazil

Henrique Minatogawa

I met the designer and comic book artist Cristina Eiko Yamamoto, 37, at the launch of the graphic novel Penadinho – Vida [Penadinho – Life, unavailable in English], which she signs with her husband, Paulo Crumbim.

A Young Traditional Multi-Artist

Henrique Minatogawa

In Brazil, it is not rare to find a Nikkei practicing one of the Japanese traditional arts. Calligraphy (shodo), tea ceremony (sado or chanoyu), or musical instruments like koto or shamisen are some examples.

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Sou descendente de terceira geração (sansei). Frequento muitos eventos da comunidade nipo-brasileira e gostaria de saber como vivem os nikkeis de outras partes do mundo. Muito obrigado.

I am third generation Nikkei (sansei), from Sao Paulo, Brazil. I work very close to the Nipo-Brazilian community, so I would like to know how the Nikkeis from other parts of the worlds live. Thank you.

Nikkei interests

  • community history
  • family stories
  • festival/matsuri
  • Japanese/Nikkei food
  • Japantowns

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