BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070512T000000Z DTEND:20070512T000000Z DESCRIPTION:TIES THAT BIND TO FEATURE A VARIETY OF PERFORMANCES AND ACTIVIT IES OF COMMUNITY GROUPS AT NIKKEI COMMUNITY DAY\n\n\nTies That Bind will s ponsor a celebration of Japanese and Japanese American heritage\, culture\ , and community to bring together for one day the diverse segments of the Japanese and Japanese American community scattered throughout the L.A. are a at the First Annual Nikkei Community Day\, on Saturday\, May 12\, in Lit tle Tokyo. The Day will put a spotlight on important issues the community faces through a symposium on “The State and Future of the Nikkei Communi ty” from 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.\, and a health forum sponsored by JACL from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.\, both in JACCC Garden Room A. It will also highl ight the unique talent and vibrant activity of the community through perfo rmances on two stages\, and the sharing of “who we are and what we do” by community centers and organizations with booths on two plazas.\n\nOn t he stage at Japanese Village Plaza\, at 11 a.m.\, the Gardena Japanese Cul tural Institute’s Senior Ukelele and Hula Group will be performing. At 1 2:30 p.m.\, the Tokushima Kenjinkai will dance Awa Odori\, a 400 year-old tradition from Tokushima-ken in Shikoku. At 1:30 p.m.\, Nippon Minyo Kenk yukai Hoshun Kai Odori\, a Japanese folk dance class from the Japanese Com munity Pioneer Center in Los Angeles\, will perform “kaiyominyo” or mo dern folk song and dance pieces. At 2:30 p.m.\, the Holiness Youth Choir\ , a combined choir of young people from L.A. and West L.A. Holiness Church es\, will sing. On the stage at JACCC Plaza\, at 1 p.m.\, Naginata Dojo o f the Pasadena Japanese Cultural Institute will give a martial arts demons tration of naginata\, a pole with a single curved blade at one end.\n\nFro m 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.\, at booths on JACCC Plaza will be community centers s uch as East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center\, Long Beach Japa nese Community Center\, Pasadena Japanese Cultural Institute\, and Valley Japanese Community Center\, Sun Valley\; community organizations such as t he Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) Pacific Southwest District\, J apanese American Historical Society of Southern California\, Little Tokyo Historical Society\, National Asian Pacific American Families Against Subs tance Abuse (NAPAFASA)\, and Nikkei Games\; and agencies connected with th e Health Forum such as the JACL Health Benefits Trust\, L.A. Dietetic Asso ciation\, Eli Lilly and Company\, Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company\, the Soci al Security Administration\, and the Center for Medicare Medicaid Services which will answer questions about Medicare prescription plan coverage. In JACCC Garden Room B\, NAPAFASA and Pacific Asian Language Services (PALS) will provide information about their programs and services.\n\nAt booths on the Japanese Village Plaza\, Gardena Valley Baptist Church will make an d give away free balloon animals\; Go For Broke National Educational Cente r will share information about its programs to raise the public's awarenes s of World War II Japanese American veteran history\; Japanese American Li ving Legacy will showcase its products and provide information about how i t serves the Japanese American community through the oral histories it col lects\; and Pan Pacific Service will hand out free product samples and pub licize its new retail store\, Sugoi Life\, which will introduce the new Ja pan to the U.S. with unique items never seen before in the U.S\, toys\, an imation\, stationery\, houseware\, and lifestyle goods.\n\nNikkei Communit y Day is sponsored by Ties That Bind in collaboration with the Nikkei Fede ration\, Little Tokyo Service Center\, Japanese American Cultural and Comm unity Center\, Japanese American Citizens League\, and Little Tokyo Recrea tion Center\, and in conjunction with JACCC’s Family FunFest Children’ s Day Celebration\, and the Recreation Center’s San Tai San Basketball T ournament. It has received major funding support from the JACL Trust Fund and Historic Cultural Neighborhood Council. \n\nTies That Bind is a group of community leaders which was organized in 2002 to implement recommendati ons which came out of several national and local conferences concerned wit h the preservation and prosperity in the future of the Japanese American c ommunity. It successfully created in 2003 the annual one-week Japanese Am erican heritage summer day camp for middle school children called Camp Mus ubi. In September 2005\, it organized Ties That Bind 3\, a conference on the preservation of Little Tokyo as a historic heritage community. In July 2006\, it launched the Little Tokyo Historical Society to collect\, prese rve\, and disseminate the rich history of Little Tokyo. And on May 12\, 2 007\, it will sponsor the First Annual Nikkei Community Day.\n\nFor more i nformation about the Day’s activities\, contact Kio Tong-Ishikawa at kis\, or (213) 473-3032.\n DTSTAMP:20240608T181229Z SUMMARY:First Annual Nikkei Community Day event on Sat\, May 12\, 2007 in L ittle Tokyo\, CA URL:/en/events/2007/05/12/first-annual-nikkei-community-day-event-on-sat-ma y/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR